
All dunned synonyms

D d

verb dunned

  • services β€” a service tree, especially Sorbus domestica.
  • annoy β€” If someone or something annoys you, it makes you fairly angry and impatient.
  • depress β€” If someone or something depresses you, they make you feel sad and disappointed.
  • disturb β€” to interrupt the quiet, rest, peace, or order of; unsettle.
  • unsettle β€” to alter from a settled state; cause to be no longer firmly fixed or established; render unstable; disturb: Violence unsettled the government.
  • perturb β€” to disturb or disquiet greatly in mind; agitate.
  • bother β€” If you do not bother to do something or if you do not bother with it, you do not do it, consider it, or use it because you think it is unnecessary or because you are too lazy.
  • upset β€” to overturn: to upset a pitcher of milk.
  • irritate β€” to excite to impatience or anger; annoy.
  • try β€” to attempt to do or accomplish: Try it before you say it's simple.
  • trouble β€” to disturb the mental calm and contentment of; worry; distress; agitate.
  • fret β€” to feel or express worry, annoyance, discontent, or the like: Fretting about the lost ring isn't going to help.
  • urge β€” to push or force along; impel with force or vigor: to urge the cause along.
  • force β€” physical power or strength possessed by a living being: He used all his force in opening the window.
  • claim β€” If you say that someone claims that something is true, you mean they say that it is true but you are not sure whether or not they are telling the truth.
  • question β€” a sentence in an interrogative form, addressed to someone in order to get information in reply.
  • require β€” to have need of; need: He requires medical care.
  • request β€” the act of asking for something to be given or done, especially as a favor or courtesy; solicitation or petition: At his request, they left.
  • stipulate β€” to make an express demand or arrangement as a condition of agreement (often followed by for).
  • challenge β€” A challenge is something new and difficult which requires great effort and determination.
  • press β€” to force into service, especially naval or military service; impress.
  • appeal β€” If you appeal to someone to do something, you make a serious and urgent request to them.
  • order β€” an authoritative direction or instruction; command; mandate.
  • badger β€” A badger is a wild animal which has a white head with two wide black stripes on it. Badgers live underground and usually come up to feed at night.
  • nag β€” to annoy by persistent faultfinding, complaints, or demands.
  • pray β€” to offer devout petition, praise, thanks, etc., to (God or an object of worship).
  • arrogate β€” If someone arrogates to themselves something such as a responsibility or privilege, they claim or take it even though they have no right to do so.
  • pester β€” to bother persistently with petty annoyances; trouble: Don't pester me with your trivial problems.
  • compel β€” If a situation, a rule, or a person compels you to do something, they force you to do it.
  • implore β€” to beg urgently or piteously, as for aid or mercy; beseech; entreat: They implored him to go.
  • charge β€” If you charge someone an amount of money, you ask them to pay that amount for something that you have sold to them or done for them.
  • postulate β€” to ask, demand, or claim.
  • cite β€” If you cite something, you quote it or mention it, especially as an example or proof of what you are saying.
  • petition β€” a formally drawn request, often bearing the names of a number of those making the request, that is addressed to a person or group of persons in authority or power, soliciting some favor, right, mercy, or other benefit: a petition for clemency; a petition for the repeal of an unfair law.
  • hit β€” to deal a blow or stroke to: Hit the nail with the hammer.
  • besiege β€” If you are besieged by people, many people want something from you and continually bother you.
  • oblige β€” to require or constrain, as by law, command, conscience, or force of necessity.
  • bid β€” A bid for something or a bid to do something is an attempt to obtain it or do it.
  • direct β€” to manage or guide by advice, helpful information, instruction, etc.: He directed the company through a difficult time.
  • abuse β€” Abuse of someone is cruel and violent treatment of them.
  • constrain β€” To constrain someone or something means to limit their development or force them to behave in a particular way.
  • knock β€” to strike a sounding blow with the fist, knuckles, or anything hard, especially on a door, window, or the like, as in seeking admittance, calling attention, or giving a signal: to knock on the door before entering.
  • beseech β€” If you beseech someone to do something, you ask them very eagerly and anxiously.
  • beg β€” If you beg someone to do something, you ask them very anxiously or eagerly to do it.
  • summon β€” to call upon to do something specified.
  • inquire β€” to seek information by questioning; ask: to inquire about a person.
  • requisition β€” the act of requiring or demanding.
  • command β€” If someone in authority commands you to do something, they tell you that you must do it.
  • supplicate β€” to pray humbly; make humble and earnest entreaty or petition.
  • counterclaim β€” a claim set up in opposition to another, esp by the defendant in a civil action against the plaintiff
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