
All equal synonyms

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verb equal

  • come to β€” When someone who is unconscious comes to, they recover consciousness.
  • amount to β€” If you say that one thing amounts to something else, you consider the first thing to be the same as the second thing.
  • total β€” constituting or comprising the whole; entire; whole: the total expenditure.
  • make β€” to bring into existence by shaping or changing material, combining parts, etc.: to make a dress; to make a channel; to make a work of art.
  • correspond β€” If one thing corresponds to another, there is a close similarity or connection between them. You can also say that two things correspond.
  • break even β€” to attain a level of activity, as in commerce, or a point of operation, as in gambling, at which there is neither profit nor loss
  • compare β€” When you compare things, you consider them and discover the differences or similarities between them.
  • comprise β€” If you say that something comprises or is comprised of a number of things or people, you mean it has them as its parts or members.
  • match β€” a person or thing that equals or resembles another in some respect.
  • reach β€” to get to or get as far as in moving, going, traveling, etc.: The boat reached the shore.
  • agree β€” If people agree with each other about something, they have the same opinion about it or say that they have the same opinion.
  • approach β€” When you approach something, you get closer to it.
  • balance β€” If you balance something somewhere, or if it balances there, it remains steady and does not fall.
  • coordinate β€” If you coordinate an activity, you organize the various people and things involved in it.
  • emulate β€” Match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation.
  • level β€” having no part higher than another; having a flat or even surface.
  • meet β€” greatest lower bound
  • parallel β€” parallel processing
  • rival β€” a person who is competing for the same object or goal as another, or who tries to equal or outdo another; competitor.
  • tally β€” an account or reckoning; a record of debit and credit, of the score of a game, or the like.
  • tie β€” to bind, fasten, or attach with a cord, string, or the like, drawn together and knotted: to tie a tin can on a dog's tail.
  • touch β€” to put the hand, finger, etc., on or into contact with (something) to feel it: He touched the iron cautiously.
  • come up to β€” To be coming up to a time or state means to be getting near to it.
  • live up to β€” to have life, as an organism; be alive; be capable of vital functions: all things that live.
  • measure up β€” a unit or standard of measurement: weights and measures.
  • rise to β€” to get up from a lying, sitting, or kneeling posture; assume an upright position: She rose and walked over to greet me. With great effort he rose to his knees.
  • square with β€” a rectangle having all four sides of equal length.
  • copy β€” If you make a copy of something, you produce something that looks like the original thing.
  • approximate β€” An approximate number, time, or position is close to the correct number, time, or position, but is not exact.

adjective equal

  • identical β€” similar or alike in every way: The two cars are identical except for their license plates.
  • like β€” in like manner with; similarly to; in the manner characteristic of: He works like a beaver.
  • alike β€” If two or more things are alike, they are similar in some way.
  • one and the same β€” When two or more people or things are thought to be separate and you say that they are one and the same, you mean that they are in fact one single person or thing.
  • balanced β€” A balanced report, book, or other document takes into account all the different opinions on something and presents information in a fair and reasonable way.
  • commensurate β€” If the level of one thing is commensurate with another, the first level is in proportion to the second.
  • comparable β€” Something that is comparable to something else is roughly similar, for example in amount or importance.
  • corresponding β€” parallel; equivalent
  • proportionate β€” proportioned; being in due proportion; proportional.
  • according β€” in proportion; in relation
  • correspondent β€” A correspondent is a newspaper or television journalist, especially one who specializes in a particular type of news.
  • double β€” twice as large, heavy, strong, etc.; twofold in size, amount, number, extent, etc.: a double portion; a new house double the size of the old one.
  • duplicate β€” a copy exactly like an original.
  • egalitarian β€” asserting, resulting from, or characterized by belief in the equality of all people, especially in political, economic, or social life.
  • invariable β€” not variable; not changing or capable of being changed; static or constant.
  • look-alike β€” a person or thing that looks like or closely resembles another; double.
  • matching β€” a person or thing that equals or resembles another in some respect.
  • same β€” identical with what is about to be or has just been mentioned: This street is the same one we were on yesterday.
  • uniform β€” identical or consistent, as from example to example, place to place, or moment to moment: uniform spelling; a uniform building code.
  • fifty-fifty β€” equally good and bad, likely and unlikely, favorable and unfavorable, etc.: a fifty-fifty chance of winning.
  • homologous β€” having the same or a similar relation; corresponding, as in relative position or structure.
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