
All exhausted synonyms

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adjective exhausted

  • tired β€” having a tire or tires.
  • beat β€” If you beat someone or something, you hit them very hard.
  • bushed β€” If you say that you are bushed, you mean that you are extremely tired.
  • pooped β€” fatigued; exhausted: I'm too pooped to go shopping today.
  • dog-tired β€” utterly exhausted; worn out.
  • fatigued β€” of or relating to fatigues or any clothing made to resemble them: The guerrilla band wore fatigue pants and field jackets. She brought fatigue shorts to wear on the hike.
  • worn out β€” worn or used beyond repair.
  • shattered β€” to break (something) into pieces, as by a blow.
  • dead beat β€” a person who deliberately avoids paying debts.
  • done in β€” past participle of do1 .
  • drained β€” to withdraw or draw off (a liquid) gradually; remove slowly or by degrees, as by filtration: to drain oil from a crankcase.
  • wearied β€” physically or mentally exhausted by hard work, exertion, strain, etc.; fatigued; tired: weary eyes; a weary brain.
  • spent β€” simple past tense and past participle of spend.
  • all in β€” If you say that you are all in, you mean that you are extremely tired.
  • dead β€” A person, animal, or plant that is dead is no longer living.
  • disabled β€” physically or mentally impaired, injured, or incapacitated.
  • weak β€” not strong; liable to yield, break, or collapse under pressure or strain; fragile; frail: a weak fortress; a weak spot in armor.
  • weakened β€” to make weak or weaker.
  • crippled β€” physically incapacitated
  • debilitated β€” in a severely weakened state
  • enervated β€” Cause (someone) to feel drained of energy or vitality; weaken.
  • frazzled β€” worn-out; fatigued: a party that left us frazzled.
  • limp β€” to walk with a labored, jerky movement, as when lame.
  • prostrated β€” to cast (oneself) face down on the ground in humility, submission, or adoration.
  • sapped β€” Fortification. a deep, narrow trench constructed so as to form an approach to a besieged place or an enemy's position.
  • shot β€” a discharge of a firearm, bow, etc.
  • wasted β€” not used or in use: waste energy; waste talents.
  • worn β€” past participle of wear.
  • bleary β€” If your eyes are bleary, they look dull or tired, as if you have not had enough sleep or have drunk too much alcohol.
  • dead tired β€” Very tired; completely exhausted.
  • done for β€” past participle of do1 .
  • effete β€” lacking in wholesome vigor; degenerate; decadent: an effete, overrefined society.
  • kaput β€” ruined; done for; demolished.
  • run-down β€” fatigued; weary; exhausted.
  • tired out β€” exhausted
  • depleted β€” reduced or exhausted
  • bare β€” If a part of your body is bare, it is not covered by any clothing.
  • consumed β€” If you are consumed with a feeling or idea, it affects you very strongly indeed.
  • dissipated β€” indulging in or characterized by excessive devotion to pleasure; intemperate; dissolute.
  • done β€” past participle of do1 .
  • dry β€” free from moisture or excess moisture; not moist; not wet: a dry towel; dry air.
  • empty β€” A container (esp. a bottle or glass) left empty of its contents.
  • finished β€” ended or completed.
  • gone β€” past participle of go1 .
  • void β€” Law. having no legal force or effect; not legally binding or enforceable.
  • all gone β€” finished, used up
  • washed-out β€” faded, especially from washing.

noun exhausted

  • dulled β€” Simple past tense and past participle of dull.
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