
All ferule synonyms

F f

verb ferule

  • whip β€” to beat with a strap, lash, rod, or the like, especially by way of punishment or chastisement; flog; thrash: Criminals used to be whipped for minor offenses.
  • punish β€” to subject to pain, loss, confinement, death, etc., as a penalty for some offense, transgression, or fault: to punish a criminal.
  • censure β€” If you censure someone for something that they have done, you tell them that you strongly disapprove of it.
  • berate β€” If you berate someone, you speak to them angrily about something they have done wrong.
  • upbraid β€” to find fault with or reproach severely; censure: The military tribunal upbraided the soldier for his cowardice.
  • castigate β€” If you castigate someone or something, you speak to them angrily or criticize them severely.
  • lash β€” an ocean-going vessel equipped with special cranes and holds for lifting and stowing cargo-carrying barges that can be sailed up inland waterways or into port facilities from offshore.
  • flog β€” to beat with a whip, stick, etc., especially as punishment; whip; scourge.
  • chastise β€” If you chastise someone, you speak to them angrily or punish them for something wrong that they have done.
  • bash β€” A bash is a party or celebration, especially a large one held by an official organization or attended by famous people.
  • ream β€” a standard quantity of paper, consisting of 20 quires or 500 sheets (formerly 480 sheets), or 516 sheets (printer's ream or perfect ream)
  • chasten β€” If you are chastened by something, it makes you regret that you have behaved badly or stupidly.
  • pummel β€” to beat or thrash with or as if with the fists.
  • scourge β€” a whip or lash, especially for the infliction of punishment or torture.
  • beat β€” If you beat someone or something, you hit them very hard.
  • spank β€” to strike (a person, usually a child) with the open hand, a slipper, etc., especially on the buttocks, as in punishment.
  • baste β€” If you baste meat, you pour hot fat and the juices from the meat itself over it while it is cooking.
  • thrash β€” to beat soundly in punishment; flog.
  • correct β€” If something is correct, it is in accordance with the facts and has no mistakes.
  • whip β€” to beat with a strap, lash, rod, or the like, especially by way of punishment or chastisement; flog; thrash: Criminals used to be whipped for minor offenses.
  • whale β€” any of the larger marine mammals of the order Cetacea, especially as distinguished from the smaller dolphins and porpoises, having a fishlike body, forelimbs modified into flippers, and a head that is horizontally flattened.
  • hide β€” Informal. to administer a beating to; thrash.
  • flay β€” to strip off the skin or outer covering of.
  • trounce β€” to beat severely; thrash.
  • whack β€” to strike with a smart, resounding blow or blows.
  • leather β€” the skin of an animal, with the hair removed, prepared for use by tanning or a similar process designed to preserve it against decay and make it pliable or supple when dry.
  • stripe β€” a stroke with a whip, rod, etc., as in punishment.
  • flagellate β€” to whip; scourge; flog; lash.
  • hit β€” to deal a blow or stroke to: Hit the nail with the hammer.
  • wax β€” a fit of anger; rage.
  • belt β€” A belt is a strip of leather or cloth that you fasten round your waist.

noun ferule

  • truncheon β€” the club carried by a police officer; billy.
  • nightstick β€” a special club carried by a policeman; billy.
  • mace β€” a spice ground from the layer between a nutmeg shell and its outer husk, resembling nutmeg in flavor.
  • bat β€” A bat is a specially shaped piece of wood that is used for hitting the ball in baseball, softball, cricket, rounders, or table tennis.
  • cane β€” Cane is used to refer to the long, hollow, hard stems of plants such as bamboo. Strips of cane are often used to make furniture, and some types of cane can be crushed and processed to make sugar.
  • club β€” A club is an organization of people interested in a particular activity or subject who usually meet on a regular basis.
  • rod β€” a male given name, form of Roderick or Rodney.
  • bludgeon β€” To bludgeon someone means to hit them several times with a heavy object.
  • switch β€” a slender, flexible shoot, rod, etc., used especially in whipping or disciplining.
  • stick β€” a thrust with a pointed instrument; stab.
  • paddle β€” a short, flat bladed oar for propelling and steering a canoe or small boat, usually held by both hands and moved more or less through a vertical arc.
  • sap β€” Fortification. a deep, narrow trench constructed so as to form an approach to a besieged place or an enemy's position.
  • blackjack β€” Blackjack is a card game in which players try to obtain a combination of cards worth 21 points.
  • bastinado β€” punishment or torture in which the soles of the feet are beaten with a stick
  • shillelagh β€” a cudgel, traditionally of blackthorn or oak.
  • cosh β€” A cosh is a heavy piece of rubber or metal which is used as a weapon.
  • billy β€” A billy or billy club is a short heavy stick which is sometimes used as a weapon by the police.
  • birch β€” A birch or a birch tree is a type of tall tree with thin branches.
  • shill β€” a person who poses as a customer in order to decoy others into participating, as at a gambling house, auction, confidence game, etc.
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