
All flash synonyms

F f

verb flash

  • shine β€” to give forth or glow with light; shed or cast light.
  • glare β€” a bright, smooth surface, as of ice.
  • glisten β€” to reflect a sparkling light or a faint intermittent glow; shine lustrously.
  • twinkle β€” to shine with a flickering gleam of light, as a star or distant light.
  • flare β€” to burn with an unsteady, swaying flame, as a torch or candle in the wind.
  • blink β€” When you blink or when you blink your eyes, you shut your eyes and very quickly open them again.
  • reflect β€” to cast back (light, heat, sound, etc.) from a surface: The mirror reflected the light onto the wall.
  • beam β€” If you say that someone is beaming, you mean that they have a big smile on their face because they are happy, pleased, or proud about something.
  • blaze β€” When a fire blazes, it burns strongly and brightly.
  • gleam β€” a flash or beam of light: the gleam of a lantern in the dark.
  • sparkle β€” to issue in or as if in little sparks, as fire or light: The candlelight sparkled in the crystal.
  • glance β€” to look quickly or briefly.
  • glow β€” a light emitted by or as if by a substance heated to luminosity; incandescence.
  • shoot β€” to hit, wound, damage, kill, or destroy with a missile discharged from a weapon.
  • fly β€” to move through the air using wings.
  • flit β€” to move lightly and swiftly; fly, dart, or skim along: bees flitting from flower to flower.
  • zoom β€” to move quickly or suddenly with a loud humming or buzzing sound: cars zooming by on the freeway.
  • dart β€” If a person or animal darts somewhere, they move there suddenly and quickly.
  • dash β€” If you dash somewhere, you run or go there quickly and suddenly.
  • whistle β€” to make a clear musical sound, a series of such sounds, or a high-pitched, warbling sound by the forcible expulsion of the breath through a small opening formed by contracting the lips, or through the teeth, with the aid of the tongue.
  • flaunt β€” to parade or display oneself conspicuously, defiantly, or boldly.
  • brandish β€” If you brandish something, especially a weapon, you hold it in a threatening way.
  • incandesce β€” Glow with heat.
  • dazzle β€” If someone or something dazzles you, you are extremely impressed by their skill, qualities, or beauty.
  • coruscate β€” to emit flashes of light; sparkle
  • light β€” a light product, as a beer or cigarette.
  • flame β€” burning gas or vapor, as from wood or coal, that is undergoing combustion; a portion of ignited gas or vapor.
  • scintillate β€” to emit sparks.
  • bedazzle β€” to dazzle or confuse, as with brilliance
  • spangle β€” a small, thin, often circular piece of glittering metal or other material, used especially for decorating garments.
  • glimmer β€” a faint or unsteady light; gleam.
  • glint β€” a tiny, quick flash of light.
  • radiate β€” to extend, spread, or move like rays or radii from a center.
  • spark β€” Muriel (Sarah) (Camberg) 1918–2006, British novelist and writer, born in Scotland.
  • glitter β€” to reflect light with a brilliant, sparkling luster; sparkle with reflected light.
  • phosphoresce β€” to be luminous without sensible heat, as phosphorus.
  • streak β€” a long, narrow mark, smear, band of color, or the like: streaks of mud.
  • disport β€” to divert or amuse (oneself).
  • parade β€” a large public procession, usually including a marching band and often of a festive nature, held in honor of an anniversary, person, event, etc.
  • show β€” to cause or allow to be seen; exhibit; display.
  • spring β€” String PRocessING language
  • sweep β€” to move or remove (dust, dirt, etc.) with or as if with a broom, brush, or the like.
  • race β€” Cape, a cape at the SE extremity of Newfoundland.
  • bolt β€” A bolt is a long metal object which screws into a nut and is used to fasten things together.
  • flourish β€” to be in a vigorous state; thrive: a period in which art flourished.
  • speed β€” rapidity in moving, going, traveling, proceeding, or performing; swiftness; celerity: the speed of light; the speed of sound.
  • flicker β€” to burn unsteadily; shine with a wavering light: The candle flickered in the wind and went out.
  • shimmer β€” to shine with or reflect a subdued, tremulous light; gleam faintly.
  • rush β€” to move, act, or progress with speed, impetuosity, or violence.
  • zip β€” zip code.
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