
All flipper synonyms

F f

adj flipper

  • cavalier β€” If you describe a person or their behaviour as cavalier, you are criticizing them because you think that they do not consider other people's feelings or take account of the seriousness of a situation.
  • spirited β€” pertaining to something that works by burning alcoholic spirits: a spirit stove.
  • churlish β€” Someone who is churlish is unfriendly, bad-tempered, or impolite.
  • ticklish β€” sensitive to tickling.
  • crude β€” A crude method or measurement is not exact or detailed, but may be useful or correct in a rough, general way.
  • unstable β€” not stable; not firm or firmly fixed; unsteady.
  • curt β€” If you describe someone as curt, you mean that they speak or reply in a brief and rather rude way.
  • up-and-down β€” moving alternately up and down: the up-and-down swing of levers; an up-and-down tune.
  • disrespectful β€” characterized by, having, or showing disrespect; lacking courtesy or esteem: a disrespectful remark about teachers.
  • variable β€” apt or liable to vary or change; changeable: variable weather; variable moods.
  • ill-mannered β€” having bad or poor manners; impolite; discourteous; rude.
  • gaga β€” crazy, insane
  • indelicate β€” offensive to a sense of generally accepted propriety, modesty, or decency; improper, unrefined, or coarse: indelicate language.
  • lubricious β€” arousing or expressive of sexual desire; lustful; lecherous.
  • oafish β€” a clumsy, stupid person; lout.
  • fluctuating β€” to change continually; shift back and forth; vary irregularly: The price of gold fluctuated wildly last month.
  • offhand β€” cavalierly, curtly, or brusquely: to reply offhand.
  • quicksilver β€” the metallic element mercury.
  • rustic β€” of, relating to, or living in the country, as distinguished from towns or cities; rural.
  • yo-yo β€” a spoollike toy consisting of two thick wooden, plastic, or metal disks connected by a dowel pin in the center to which a string is attached, one end being looped around the player's finger so that the toy can be spun out and reeled in by wrist motion.
  • uncivil β€” without good manners; unmannerly; rude; impolite; discourteous.
  • bright β€” A bright colour is strong and noticeable, and not dark.
  • uncouth β€” awkward, clumsy, or unmannerly: uncouth behavior; an uncouth relative who embarrasses the family.
  • brisk β€” A brisk activity or action is done quickly and in an energetic way.
  • ungracious β€” discourteous; ill-mannered: ungracious behavior.
  • jaunty β€” easy and sprightly in manner or bearing: to walk with a jaunty step.
  • unmannerly β€” not mannerly; impolite; discourteous; coarse.
  • keen β€” finely sharpened, as an edge; so shaped as to cut or pierce substances readily: a keen razor.
  • unrefined β€” not refined; not purified, as substances: unrefined metal.
  • ill-bred β€” showing lack of good social breeding; unmannerly; rude.
  • inurbane β€” not urbane; lacking in courtesy, refinement, etc.
  • advanced β€” An advanced system, method, or design is modern and has been developed from an earlier version of the same thing.
  • genteel β€” belonging or suited to polite society.
  • ahead of time β€” If you do something ahead of time, you do it before a particular event or before you need to, in order to be well prepared.
  • beforehand β€” If you do something beforehand, you do it earlier than a particular event.
  • developed β€” If you talk about developed countries or the developed world, you mean the countries or the parts of the world that are wealthy and have many industries.
  • early β€” in or during the first part of a period of time, a course of action, a series of events, etc.: early in the year.
  • premature β€” occurring, coming, or done too soon: a premature announcement.
  • mouthy β€” garrulous, often in a bombastic manner.
  • discourteous β€” not courteous; impolite; uncivil; rude: a discourteous salesman.
  • impious β€” not pious or religious; lacking reverence for God, religious practices, etc.; irreligious; ungodly.
  • arch β€” An arch is a structure that is curved at the top and is supported on either side by a pillar, post, or wall.
  • irreverent β€” not reverent; manifesting or characterized by irreverence; deficient in veneration or respect: an irreverent reply.
  • obtrusive β€” having or showing a disposition to obtrude, as by imposing oneself or one's opinions on others.
  • snippy β€” sharp or curt, especially in a supercilious or haughty way; impertinent.
  • smug β€” contentedly confident of one's ability, superiority, or correctness; complacent.

adjective flipper

  • erratic β€” Not even or regular in pattern or movement; unpredictable.
  • elastic β€” (of an object or material) able to resume its normal shape spontaneously after contraction, dilatation, or distortion.
  • expansive β€” Covering a wide area in terms of space or scope; extensive or wide-ranging.
  • belligerent β€” A belligerent person is hostile and aggressive.
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