
All fogyish synonyms

F f

adjective fogyish

  • old-fashioned β€” of a style or kind that is no longer in vogue: an old-fashioned bathing suit.
  • traditional β€” of or relating to tradition.
  • conservative β€” A Conservative politician or voter is a member of or votes for the Conservative Party in Britain.
  • conventional β€” Someone who is conventional has behaviour or opinions that are ordinary and normal.
  • old-school β€” advocates or supporters of established custom or of conservatism: a military man of the old school.
  • antiquated β€” If you describe something as antiquated, you are criticizing it because it is very old or old-fashioned.
  • old β€” far advanced in the years of one's or its life: an old man; an old horse; an old tree.
  • outdated β€” no longer in use or fashionable; out-of-date; outmoded; antiquated.
  • cautious β€” Someone who is cautious acts very carefully in order to avoid possible danger.
  • moderate β€” kept or keeping within reasonable or proper limits; not extreme, excessive, or intense: a moderate price.
  • middle-of-the-road β€” favoring, following, or characterized by an intermediate position between two extremes, especially in politics; moderate.
  • reactionary β€” of, pertaining to, marked by, or favoring reaction, especially extreme conservatism or rightism in politics; opposing political or social change.
  • timid β€” lacking in self-assurance, courage, or bravery; easily alarmed; timorous; shy.
  • tory β€” a member of the Conservative Party in Great Britain or Canada.
  • bourgeois β€” If you describe people, their way of life, or their attitudes as bourgeois, you disapprove of them because you consider them typical of conventional middle-class people.
  • constant β€” You use constant to describe something that happens all the time or is always there.
  • firm β€” not soft or yielding when pressed; comparatively solid, hard, stiff, or rigid: firm ground; firm texture.
  • fuddy-duddy β€” a person who is stuffy, old-fashioned, and conservative.
  • quiet β€” making no noise or sound, especially no disturbing sound: quiet neighbors.
  • redneck β€” an uneducated white farm laborer, especially from the South.
  • right β€” in accordance with what is good, proper, or just: right conduct.
  • stable β€” a building for the lodging and feeding of horses, cattle, etc.
  • steady β€” firmly placed or fixed; stable in position or equilibrium: a steady ladder.
  • controlled β€” held in check; curbed: poorly controlled anger.
  • die-hard β€” a person who vigorously maintains or defends a seemingly hopeless position, outdated attitude, lost cause, or the like.
  • fearful β€” causing or apt to cause fear; frightening: a fearful apparition.
  • guarded β€” cautious; careful; prudent: to be guarded in one's speech.
  • hidebound β€” narrow and rigid in opinion; inflexible: a hidebound pedant.
  • illiberal β€” narrowminded; bigoted.
  • in a rut β€” stuck in routine
  • inflexible β€” not flexible; incapable of or resistant to being bent; rigid: an inflexible steel rod.
  • obstinate β€” firmly or stubbornly adhering to one's purpose, opinion, etc.; not yielding to argument, persuasion, or entreaty.
  • old guard β€” the imperial guard created in 1804 by Napoleon: it made the last French charge at Waterloo.
  • orthodox β€” of, relating to, or conforming to the approved form of any doctrine, philosophy, ideology, etc.
  • right-wing β€” members of a conservative or reactionary political party, or those opposing extensive political reform.
  • sober β€” not intoxicated or drunk.
  • traditionalistic β€” adherence to tradition as authority, especially in matters of religion.
  • unchangeable β€” liable to change or to be changed; variable.
  • unchanging β€” to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone: to change one's name; to change one's opinion; to change the course of history.
  • uncreative β€” having the quality or power of creating.
  • daring β€” People who are daring are willing to do or say things which are new or which might shock or anger other people.
  • unimaginative β€” characterized by or bearing evidence of imagination: an imaginative tale.
  • unprogressive β€” favoring or advocating progress, change, improvement, or reform, as opposed to wishing to maintain things as they are, especially in political matters: a progressive mayor.
  • uncompromising β€” not admitting of compromise or adjustment of differences; making no concessions; inaccessible to flexible bargaining; unyielding: an uncompromising attitude.
  • old-line β€” following or supporting conservative or traditional ideas, beliefs, customs, etc.
  • ultraconservative β€” extremely conservative, especially in politics.
  • unreconstructed β€” stubbornly maintaining earlier positions, beliefs, etc.; not adjusted to new or current situations: an unreconstructed conservative.
  • convinced β€” If you are convinced that something is true, you feel sure that it is true.
  • dyed-in-the-wool β€” through and through; complete: a dyed-in-the-wool reformer.
  • extremist β€” A person who holds extreme or fanatical political or religious views, esp. one who resorts to or advocates extreme action.
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