
All foolery synonyms

F f

noun foolery

  • amusement β€” Amusement is the feeling that you have when you think that something is funny or amusing.
  • nonsense β€” words or language having little or no sense or meaning.
  • irrationality β€” the quality or condition of being irrational.
  • silliness β€” weak-minded or lacking good sense; stupid or foolish: a silly writer.
  • craziness β€” mentally deranged; demented; insane.
  • lunacy β€” insanity; mental disorder.
  • bunk β€” A bunk is a bed that is fixed to a wall, especially in a ship or caravan.
  • folly β€” the state or quality of being foolish; lack of understanding or sense.
  • insanity β€” the condition of being insane; a derangement of the mind. Synonyms: dementia, lunacy, madness, craziness, mania, aberration.
  • stupidity β€” the state, quality, or fact of being stupid.
  • rubbish β€” worthless, unwanted material that is rejected or thrown out; debris; litter; trash.
  • indiscretion β€” lack of discretion; imprudence.
  • absurdity β€” the quality or state of being absurd; nonsense
  • irresponsibility β€” said, done, or characterized by a lack of a sense of responsibility: His refusal to work shows him to be completely irresponsible.
  • joke β€” something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement, as a witticism, a short and amusing anecdote, or a prankish act: He tells very funny jokes. She played a joke on him.
  • celebration β€” A celebration is a special enjoyable event that people organize because something pleasant has happened or because it is someone's birthday or anniversary.
  • pastime β€” something that serves to make time pass agreeably; a pleasant means of amusement, recreation, or sport: to play cards as a pastime.
  • joy β€” a female given name.
  • pleasure β€” the state or feeling of being pleased.
  • sport β€” an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc.
  • laughter β€” the action or sound of laughing.
  • distraction β€” the act of distracting.
  • match β€” a person or thing that equals or resembles another in some respect.
  • caricature β€” A caricature of someone is a drawing or description of them that exaggerates their appearance or behaviour in a humorous or critical way.
  • mockery β€” ridicule, contempt, or derision.
  • sarcasm β€” harsh or bitter derision or irony.
  • jeer β€” to speak or shout derisively; scoff or gibe rudely: Don't jeer unless you can do better.
  • disdain β€” to look upon or treat with contempt; despise; scorn.
  • satire β€” the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc.
  • derision β€” If you treat someone or something with derision, you express contempt for them.
  • taunt β€” to reproach in a sarcastic, insulting, or jeering manner; mock.
  • scorn β€” open or unqualified contempt; disdain: His face and attitude showed the scorn he felt.
  • contempt β€” If you have contempt for someone or something, you have no respect for them or think that they are unimportant.
  • parody β€” a humorous or satirical imitation of a serious piece of literature or writing: his hilarious parody of Hamlet's soliloquy.
  • taunting β€” to reproach in a sarcastic, insulting, or jeering manner; mock.
  • idiocy β€” utterly senseless or foolish behavior; a stupid or foolish act, statement, etc.: All this talk of zombies coming to attack us is pure idiocy.
  • nuttiness β€” abounding in or producing nuts.
  • inanity β€” lack of sense, significance, or ideas; silliness.
  • claptrap β€” If you describe something that someone says as claptrap, you mean that it is stupid or foolish although it may sound important.
  • weakness β€” the state or quality of being weak; lack of strength, firmness, vigor, or the like; feebleness.
  • insensibility β€” incapable of feeling or perceiving; deprived of sensation; unconscious, as a person after a violent blow.
  • imprudence β€” not prudent; lacking discretion; incautious; rash.
  • senselessness β€” destitute or deprived of sensation; unconscious.
  • poppycock β€” nonsense; bosh.
  • impracticality β€” not practical or useful.
  • tommyrot β€” nonsense; utter foolishness.
  • twaddle β€” trivial, feeble, silly, or tedious talk or writing.
  • mistake β€” an error in action, calculation, opinion, or judgment caused by poor reasoning, carelessness, insufficient knowledge, etc.
  • absurdness β€” utterly or obviously senseless, illogical, or untrue; contrary to all reason or common sense; laughably foolish or false: an absurd explanation.
  • unwise β€” not wise; foolish; imprudent; lacking in good sense or judgment: an unwise choice; an unwise man.
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