
All forever synonyms

F f

adv forever

  • always β€” If you always do something, you do it whenever a particular situation occurs. If you always did something, you did it whenever a particular situation occurred.
  • permanently β€” existing perpetually; everlasting, especially without significant change.
  • constantly β€” not changing or varying; uniform; regular; invariable: All conditions during the three experiments were constant.
  • all the time β€” If something happens or is done all the time, it happens or is done continually.
  • perpetually β€” continuing or enduring forever; everlasting.
  • incessantly β€” continuing without interruption; ceaseless; unending: an incessant noise.

adjective forever

  • vast β€” of very great area or extent; immense: the vast reaches of outer space.
  • ceaselessly β€” without stop or pause; unending; incessant.
  • timeless β€” without beginning or end; eternal; everlasting.
  • forever and a day β€” without ever ending; eternally: to last forever.
  • termless β€” not limited; unconditional.
  • endlessly β€” In an endless manner; continuously without limit.
  • longstanding β€” existing or occurring for a long time: a longstanding feud.
  • neverending β€” having or likely to have no end: never-ending worry.
  • evermore β€” (chiefly used for rhetorical effect or in ecclesiastical contexts) always.
  • lasting β€” continuing or enduring a long time; permanent; durable: a lasting friendship.
  • fadable β€” to lose brightness or vividness of color.
  • inexpungible β€” that cannot be expunged, erased, or obliterated; inextirpable.
  • diurnal β€” of or relating to a day or each day; daily.
  • permanent β€” existing perpetually; everlasting, especially without significant change.
  • eternal β€” Lasting or existing forever; without end or beginning.
  • set in concrete β€” constituting an actual thing or instance; real: a concrete proof of his sincerity.
  • imperishable β€” not subject to decay; indestructible; enduring.
  • long-term β€” covering a relatively long period of time: a long-term lease.
  • immemorial β€” extending back beyond memory, record, or knowledge: from time immemorial.
  • sempiternal β€” everlasting; eternal.
  • ad infinitum β€” If something happens ad infinitum, it is repeated again and again in the same way.
  • undefined β€” without fixed limits; indefinite in form, extent, or application: undefined authority; undefined feelings of sadness.
  • everlasting β€” Lasting forever or for a very long time.

adverb forever

  • persistently β€” persisting, especially in spite of opposition, obstacles, discouragement, etc.; persevering: a most annoyingly persistent young man.
  • repeatedly β€” done, made, or said again and again: repeated attempts.
  • continually β€” very often; at regular or frequent intervals; habitually.
  • at all times β€” all the time, constantly
  • ever β€” At any time.
  • eternally β€” In a way that continues or lasts forever; permanently.
  • durably β€” In a durable manner.
  • enduringly β€” In an enduring manner or fashion; such as to endure.
  • everlastingly β€” In an everlasting manner; so as to be everlasting.
  • indefinitely β€” not definite; without fixed or specified limit; unlimited: an indefinite number.

noun forever

  • ages β€” the length of time during which a being or thing has existed; length of life or existence to the time spoken of or referred to: trees of unknown age; His age is 20 years.
  • eternity β€” Infinite or unending time.
  • aeons β€” Plural form of aeon.
  • eons β€” Plural form of eon.
  • days β€” during the day, esp regularly
  • weeks β€” a period of seven successive days, usually understood as beginning with Sunday and ending with Saturday.
  • months β€” Also called calendar month. any of the twelve parts, as January or February, into which the calendar year is divided.
  • centuries β€” Plural form of century.
  • yonks β€” A very long time.
  • donkey's years β€” a very long time; eons.
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