
All freewheeling synonyms

F f

adj freewheeling

  • at large β€” You use at large to indicate that you are talking in a general way about most of the people mentioned.
  • neutral β€” not taking part or giving assistance in a dispute or war between others: a neutral nation during World War II.
  • uninvolved β€” very intricate or complex: an involved reply.
  • unbiased β€” not biased or prejudiced; fair; impartial.
  • separate β€” to keep apart or divide, as by an intervening barrier or space: to separate two fields by a fence.
  • nonpartisan β€” not partisan; objective.
  • sovereign β€” a monarch; a king, queen, or other supreme ruler.
  • self-sufficient β€” able to supply one's own or its own needs without external assistance: The nation grows enough grain to be self-sufficient.
  • autonomous β€” An autonomous country, organization, or group governs or controls itself rather than being controlled by anyone else.
  • self-reliant β€” relying on oneself or on one's own powers, resources, etc.
  • independent β€” not influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion, conduct, etc.; thinking or acting for oneself: an independent thinker.
  • clear β€” Something that is clear is easy to understand, see, or hear.
  • loose β€” free or released from fastening or attachment: a loose end.
  • able β€” Someone who is able is very clever or very good at doing something.
  • easy β€” not hard or difficult; requiring no great labor or effort: a book that is easy to read; an easy victory.
  • unrestricted β€” confined; limited.
  • open β€” not closed or barred at the time, as a doorway by a door, a window by a sash, or a gateway by a gate: to leave the windows open at night.
  • unfettered β€” to release from fetters.
  • liberal β€” favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
  • disengaged β€” to release from attachment or connection; loosen; unfasten: to disengage a clutch.
  • frank β€” direct and unreserved in speech; straightforward; sincere: Her criticism of my work was frank but absolutely fair.
  • relaxed β€” being free of or relieved from tension or anxiety: in a relaxed mood.
  • familiar β€” well-acquainted; thoroughly conversant: to be familiar with a subject.
  • forward β€” toward or at a place, point, or time in advance; onward; ahead: to move forward; from this day forward; to look forward.
  • permitted β€” to allow to do something: Permit me to explain.
  • liberated β€” to set free, as from imprisonment or bondage.
  • allowed β€” to let have; give as one's share; grant as one's right: to allow a person $100 for expenses.
  • objective β€” something that one's efforts or actions are intended to attain or accomplish; purpose; goal; target: the objective of a military attack; the objective of a fund-raising drive.
  • fair β€” free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice: a fair decision; a fair judge.
  • absolute β€” Absolute means total and complete.
  • casual β€” If you are casual, you are, or you pretend to be, relaxed and not very concerned about what is happening or what you are doing.
  • fancy-free β€” free from any emotional tie or influence, especially that of love.
  • footloose β€” free to go or travel about; not confined by responsibilities.
  • informal β€” without formality or ceremony; casual: an informal visit.
  • lax β€” not strict or severe; careless or negligent: lax morals; a lax attitude toward discipline.
  • unattached β€” not attached.
  • uncommitted β€” not committed, especially not pledged or bound to a specific cause, candidate, or course of action: uncommitted delegates; uncommitted reserves.
  • unconfined β€” limited or restricted.
  • unimpeded β€” to retard in movement or progress by means of obstacles or hindrances; obstruct; hinder.
  • unobstructed β€” to block or close up with an obstacle; make difficult to pass: Debris obstructed the road.
  • unregulated β€” to control or direct by a rule, principle, method, etc.: to regulate household expenses.
  • at liberty β€” free, unoccupied, or unrestricted

verb freewheeling

  • skate β€” a person; fellow: He's a good skate.
  • sail β€” an area of canvas or other fabric extended to the wind in such a way as to transmit the force of the wind to an assemblage of spars and rigging mounted firmly on a hull, raft, iceboat, etc., so as to drive it along.
  • drift β€” a driving movement or force; impulse; impetus; pressure.
  • cruise β€” A cruise is a holiday during which you travel on a ship or boat and visit a number of places.
  • slide β€” to move along in continuous contact with a smooth or slippery surface: to slide down a snow-covered hill.
  • float β€” to rest or remain on the surface of a liquid; be buoyant: The hollow ball floated.
  • taxi β€” a taxicab.
  • freewheel β€” a device in the transmission of a motor vehicle that automatically disengages the drive shaft whenever it begins to turn more rapidly than the engine.
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