
All furious synonyms

F f

adj furious

  • frenzied β€” wildly excited or enthusiastic: frenzied applause.
  • raging β€” angry fury; violent anger (sometimes used in combination): a speech full of rage; incidents of road rage.
  • vehement β€” zealous; ardent; impassioned: a vehement defense; vehement enthusiasm.
  • livid β€” having a discolored, bluish appearance caused by a bruise, congestion of blood vessels, strangulation, etc., as the face, flesh, hands, or nails.
  • violent β€” acting with or characterized by uncontrolled, strong, rough force: a violent earthquake.
  • frantic β€” desperate or wild with excitement, passion, fear, pain, etc.; frenzied.
  • desperate β€” If you are desperate, you are in such a bad situation that you are willing to try anything to change it.
  • incensed β€” an aromatic gum or other substance producing a sweet odor when burned, used in religious ceremonies, to enhance a mood, etc.
  • fierce β€” menacingly wild, savage, or hostile: fierce animals; a fierce look.
  • frenetic β€” frantic; frenzied.
  • agitated β€” If someone is agitated, they are very worried or upset, and show this in their behaviour, movements, or voice.
  • intense β€” existing or occurring in a high or extreme degree: intense heat.
  • bent β€” Bent is the past tense and past participle of bend.
  • beside oneself β€” If you are beside yourself with anger or excitement, you are extremely angry or excited.
  • boiling β€” very warm
  • crazed β€” Crazed people are wild and uncontrolled, and perhaps insane.
  • demented β€” Someone who is demented has a severe mental illness, especially Alzheimer's disease.
  • fit to be tied β€” adapted or suited; appropriate: This water isn't fit for drinking. A long-necked giraffe is fit for browsing treetops.
  • infuriated β€” to make furious; enrage.
  • insane β€” not sane; not of sound mind; mentally deranged.
  • irrational β€” without the faculty of reason; deprived of reason.
  • maniac β€” Mathematical Analyzer, Numerical Integrator and Computer
  • rabid β€” irrationally extreme in opinion or practice: a rabid isolationist; a rabid baseball fan.
  • unreasonable β€” not reasonable or rational; acting at variance with or contrary to reason; not guided by reason or sound judgment; irrational: an unreasonable person.
  • up in arms β€” Usually, arms. weapons, especially firearms.
  • vicious β€” addicted to or characterized by vice; grossly immoral; depraved; profligate: a vicious life.
  • wrathful β€” very angry; ireful; full of wrath: They trembled before the wrathful queen.
  • bent out of shape β€” very angry, upset, or agitated
  • browned off β€” If you say that you are browned off, you mean that you are annoyed and depressed.
  • corybantic β€” frenzied; agitated; unrestrained.
  • fuming β€” Often, fumes. any smokelike or vaporous exhalation from matter or substances, especially of an odorous or harmful nature: tobacco fumes; noxious fumes of carbon monoxide.
  • hacked β€” to place (something) on a hack, as for drying or feeding.
  • hopping mad β€” working energetically; busily engaged: He kept the staff hopping in order to get the report finished.
  • on the warpath β€” the path or course taken by American Indians on a warlike expedition.
  • smoking β€” the visible vapor and gases given off by a burning or smoldering substance, especially the gray, brown, or blackish mixture of gases and suspended carbon particles resulting from the combustion of wood, peat, coal, or other organic matter.
  • steamed β€” heated by or heating with steam: a steam radiator.
  • blustery β€” Blustery weather is rough, windy, and often rainy, with the wind often changing in strength or direction.
  • boisterous β€” Someone who is boisterous is noisy, lively, and full of energy.
  • concentrated β€” A concentrated liquid has been increased in strength by having water removed from it.
  • flaming β€” flame
  • impetuous β€” of, relating to, or characterized by sudden or rash action, emotion, etc.; impulsive: an impetuous decision; an impetuous person.
  • rough β€” having a coarse or uneven surface, as from projections, irregularities, or breaks; not smooth: rough, red hands; a rough road.
  • savage β€” fierce, ferocious, or cruel; untamed: savage beasts.
  • tempestuous β€” stormy, tumultuous
  • terrible β€” distressing; severe: a terrible winter.
  • ungovernable β€” impossible to govern, rule, or restrain; uncontrollable.
  • unrestrained β€” not restrained or controlled; uncontrolled or uncontrollable: the unrestrained birthrate in some countries.
  • wild β€” living in a state of nature; not tamed or domesticated: a wild animal; wild geese.
  • rampageous β€” violent; unruly; boisterous.

adjective furious

  • angry β€” When you are angry, you feel strong dislike or impatience about something.
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