
All gordian knot synonyms

GorΒ·diΒ·an knot
G g

noun gordian knot

  • mystery β€” anything that is kept secret or remains unexplained or unknown: the mysteries of nature.
  • conundrum β€” A conundrum is a problem or puzzle which is difficult or impossible to solve.
  • puzzle β€” a toy, problem, or other contrivance designed to amuse by presenting difficulties to be solved by ingenuity or patient effort.
  • riddle β€” a coarse sieve, as one for sifting sand in a foundry.
  • mystification β€” to perplex (a person) by playing upon the person's credulity; bewilder purposely.
  • perplexity β€” the state of being perplexed; confusion; uncertainty.
  • stickler β€” a person who insists on something unyieldingly (usually followed by for): a stickler for ceremony.
  • question β€” a sentence in an interrogative form, addressed to someone in order to get information in reply.
  • secret β€” done, made, or conducted without the knowledge of others: secret negotiations.
  • cliffhanger β€” A cliffhanger is a situation or part of a play or film that is very exciting or frightening because you are left for a long time not knowing what will happen next.
  • twister β€” a person or thing that twists.
  • puzzlement β€” the state of being puzzled; perplexity.
  • cryptogram β€” a secret symbol
  • parable β€” a short allegorical story designed to illustrate or teach some truth, religious principle, or moral lesson.
  • crux β€” The crux of a problem or argument is the most important or difficult part of it which affects everything else.
  • puzzler β€” a person who puzzles.
  • knot β€” either of two large sandpipers, Calidris canutus or C. tenuirostris, that breed in the Arctic and winter in the Southern Hemisphere.
  • why β€” for what? for what reason, cause, or purpose?: Why did you behave so badly?
  • bewilderment β€” Bewilderment is the feeling of being bewildered.
  • stumper β€” a person or thing that stumps.
  • sticker β€” a person or thing that sticks.
  • grabber β€” a person or thing that grabs.
  • teaser β€” a person or thing that teases.
  • sphinx β€” a figure of an imaginary creature having the head of a man or an animal and the body of a lion. (usually initial capital letter) the colossal recumbent stone figure of this kind near the pyramids of Giza.
  • complexity β€” Complexity is the state of having many different parts connected or related to each other in a complicated way.
  • complication β€” A complication is a problem or difficulty that makes a situation harder to deal with.
  • difficulty β€” the fact or condition of being difficult.
  • headache β€” a pain located in the head, as over the eyes, at the temples, or at the base of the skull.
  • hot water β€” trouble; a predicament: His skipping classes will get him into real hot water when exam time comes.
  • mess β€” a dirty, untidy, or disordered condition: The room was in a mess.
  • predicament β€” an unpleasantly difficult, perplexing, or dangerous situation.
  • problem β€” any question or matter involving doubt, uncertainty, or difficulty.
  • quagmire β€” an area of miry or boggy ground whose surface yields under the tread; a bog.
  • quandary β€” a state of perplexity or uncertainty, especially as to what to do; dilemma.
  • snafu β€” a badly confused or ridiculously muddled situation: A ballot snafu in the election led to a recount. Synonyms: snarl, bedlam, tumult, disarray, disorder, confusion, mess; foul-up. Antonyms: order, efficiency, calm.
  • snake pit β€” a mental hospital marked by squalor and inhumane or indifferent care for the patients.
  • snarl β€” to become tangled; get into a tangle.
  • trouble β€” to disturb the mental calm and contentment of; worry; distress; agitate.
  • hard nut to crack β€” a dry fruit consisting of an edible kernel or meat enclosed in a woody or leathery shell.
  • pandora's box β€” a source of extensive but unforeseen troubles or problems: The senate investigation turned out to be a Pandora's box for the administration.
  • dog's breakfast β€” a disorderly mixture; hodgepodge.
  • hornet's nest β€” a large amount of activity, trouble, hostility, or animosity: His investigation stirred up a hornet's nest, resulting in major shifts in personnel.
  • question mark β€” Also called interrogation point, interrogation mark. a mark indicating a question: usually, as in English, the mark (?) placed after a question.
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