
All grand synonyms

G g

adj grand

  • impressive β€” having the ability to impress the mind; arousing admiration, awe, respect, etc.; moving; admirable: an impressive ceremony; an impressive appearance.
  • noble β€” distinguished by rank or title.
  • grandiose β€” affectedly grand or important; pompous: grandiose words.
  • awe-inspiring β€” If you describe someone or something as awe-inspiring, you are emphasizing that you think that they are remarkable and amazing, although sometimes rather frightening.
  • stately β€” majestic; imposing in magnificence, elegance, etc.: a stately home.
  • marvelous β€” superb; excellent; great: a marvelous show.
  • sumptuous β€” entailing great expense, as from choice materials, fine work, etc.; costly: a sumptuous residence.
  • palatial β€” of, relating to, or resembling a palace: a palatial home.
  • splendid β€” gorgeous; magnificent; sumptuous. Synonyms: luxurious, dazzling, imposing. Antonyms: squalid.
  • magnificent β€” making a splendid appearance or show; of exceptional beauty, size, etc.: a magnificent cathedral; magnificent scenery.
  • opulent β€” characterized by or exhibiting opulence: an opulent suite.
  • luxurious β€” characterized by luxury; ministering or conducive to luxury: a luxurious hotel.
  • large β€” of more than average size, quantity, degree, etc.; exceeding that which is common to a kind or class; big; great: a large house; a large number; in large measure; to a large extent.
  • imposing β€” very impressive because of great size, stately appearance, dignity, elegance, etc.: Notre Dame, Rheims, and other imposing cathedrals of France.
  • monumental β€” resembling a monument; massive or imposing.
  • dignified β€” characterized or marked by dignity of aspect or manner; stately; decorous: dignified conduct.
  • ambitious β€” Someone who is ambitious has a strong desire to be successful, rich, or powerful.
  • glorious β€” delightful; wonderful; completely enjoyable: to have a glorious time at the circus.
  • lofty β€” extending high in the air; of imposing height; towering: lofty mountains.
  • main β€” chief in size, extent, or importance; principal; leading: the company's main office; the main features of a plan.
  • august β€” August is the eighth month of the year in the Western calendar.
  • striking β€” Military. describing a fighter-bomber aircraft designed to carry large payloads at high speeds and low altitudes and also to engage in air-to-air combat.
  • super β€” Informal. a superintendent, especially of an apartment house. supermarket. supernumerary. supervisor.
  • rich β€” having wealth or great possessions; abundantly supplied with resources, means, or funds; wealthy: a rich man; a rich nation.
  • fine β€” of superior or best quality; of high or highest grade: fine wine.
  • smashing β€” of, relating to, or constituting a great success: That composer has written many smash tunes.
  • head β€” Edith, 1897–1981, U.S. costume designer.
  • leading β€” made of or containing lead: a lead pipe; a lead compound.
  • chief β€” The chief of an organization is the person who is in charge of it.
  • grave β€” the grave accent.
  • principal β€” first or highest in rank, importance, value, etc.; chief; foremost.
  • admirable β€” An admirable quality or action is one that deserves to be praised and admired.
  • first-class β€” of the highest or best class or quality: a first-class movie.
  • first-rate β€” excellent; superb.
  • haughty β€” disdainfully proud; snobbish; scornfully arrogant; supercilious: haughty aristocrats; a haughty salesclerk.
  • illustrious β€” highly distinguished; renowned; famous: an illustrious leader.
  • majestic β€” characterized by or possessing majesty; of lofty dignity or imposing aspect; stately; grand: the majestic Alps.
  • ostentatious β€” characterized by or given to pretentious or conspicuous show in an attempt to impress others: an ostentatious dresser.
  • outstanding β€” prominent; conspicuous; striking: an outstanding example of courage.
  • pompous β€” characterized by an ostentatious display of dignity or importance: a pompous minor official.
  • pretentious β€” characterized by assumption of dignity or importance, especially when exaggerated or undeserved: a pretentious, self-important waiter.
  • regal β€” of or relating to a king; royal: the regal power.
  • sublime β€” elevated or lofty in thought, language, etc.: Paradise Lost is sublime poetry.
  • superb β€” admirably fine or excellent; extremely good: a superb performance.
  • terrific β€” extraordinarily great or intense: terrific speed.
  • unreal β€” not real or actual.
  • fab β€” fabulous (def 2).
  • something else β€” sth different
  • highest β€” having a great or considerable extent or reach upward or vertically; lofty; tall: a high wall.
  • mighty β€” having, characterized by, or showing superior power or strength: mighty rulers.
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