
All gray synonyms

G g

adj gray

  • silver β€” consisting of, made of, or plated with silver.
  • dusty β€” filled, covered, or clouded with or as with dust.
  • drab β€” dull; cheerless; lacking in spirit, brightness, etc.
  • grey β€” any achromatic color; any color with zero chroma, intermediate between white and black.
  • silvery β€” resembling silver; of a lustrous grayish-white color: the silvery moon.
  • stone β€” the hard substance, formed of mineral matter, of which rocks consist.
  • lead β€” to cover, line, weight, treat, or impregnate with lead or one of its compounds.
  • slate β€” a fine-grained rock formed by the metamorphosis of clay, shale, etc., that tends to split along parallel cleavage planes, usually at an angle to the planes of stratification.
  • neutral β€” not taking part or giving assistance in a dispute or war between others: a neutral nation during World War II.
  • pearly β€” like a pearl, especially in being white or lustrous; nacreous: her pearly teeth.
  • powder β€” British Dialect. a sudden, frantic, or impulsive rush.
  • iron β€” Chemistry. a ductile, malleable, silver-white metallic element, scarcely known in a pure condition, but much used in its crude or impure carbon-containing forms for making tools, implements, machinery, etc. Symbol: Fe; atomic weight: 55.847; atomic number: 26; specific gravity: 7.86 at 20Β°C. Compare cast iron, pig iron, steel, wrought iron.
  • dappled β€” You use dappled to describe something that has dark or light patches on it, or that is made up of patches of light and shade.
  • shaded β€” noting or pertaining to an ornamented type in which a thin white line appears along one edge of each of the main strokes of a character.
  • clouded β€” of or relating to cloud computing: cloud software; cloud servers.
  • ash β€” Ash is the grey or black powdery substance that is left after something is burnt. You can also refer to this substance as ashes.
  • heather β€” a female given name.
  • silvered β€” consisting of, made of, or plated with silver.
  • dove β€” an act or instance of diving.
  • oyster β€” any of several edible, marine, bivalve mollusks of the family Ostreidae, having an irregularly shaped shell, occurring on the bottom or adhering to rocks or other objects in shallow water.
  • ashen β€” Someone who is ashen looks very pale, especially because they are ill, shocked, or frightened.
  • dingy β€” of a dark, dull, or dirty color or aspect; lacking brightness or freshness.
  • dusky β€” somewhat dark; having little light; dim; shadowy.
  • leaden β€” inertly heavy like lead; hard to lift or move: a leaden weight; leaden feet.
  • livid β€” having a discolored, bluish appearance caused by a bruise, congestion of blood vessels, strangulation, etc., as the face, flesh, hands, or nails.
  • mousy β€” resembling or suggesting a mouse, as in color or odor.
  • peppery β€” full of or tasting like pepper; hot; pungent.

adjective gray

  • steely β€” consisting or made of steel.
  • dull β€” not sharp; blunt: a dull knife.
  • grim β€” stern and admitting of no appeasement or compromise: grim determination; grim necessity.
  • dark β€” When it is dark, there is not enough light to see properly, for example because it is night.
  • gloomy β€” dark or dim; deeply shaded: gloomy skies.
  • cloudy β€” If it is cloudy, there are a lot of clouds in the sky.
  • overcast β€” overspread or covered with clouds; cloudy: an overcast day.
  • cinereal β€” relating to the grey matter of the brain and nervous system

verb gray

  • overcloud β€” to overspread with or as if with clouds: a summer storm that briefly overclouds the sun; to overcloud one's pleasure with solemn thoughts.
  • graying β€” of a color between white and black; having a neutral hue.
  • obscure β€” (of meaning) not clear or plain; ambiguous, vague, or uncertain: an obscure sentence in the contract.
  • blinding β€” A blinding light is extremely bright.
  • hazing β€” an aggregation in the atmosphere of very fine, widely dispersed, solid or liquid particles, or both, giving the air an opalescent appearance that subdues colors.
  • cloud over β€” If the sky clouds over, it becomes covered with clouds.
  • shade β€” the comparative darkness caused by the interception or screening of rays of light from an object, place, or area.
  • cover up β€” If you cover something or someone up, you put something over them in order to protect or hide them.
  • shadow β€” a dark figure or image cast on the ground or some surface by a body intercepting light.
  • darken β€” If something darkens or if a person or thing darkens it, it becomes darker.
  • blinded β€” unable to see; lacking the sense of sight; sightless: a blind man.
  • muddied β€” abounding in or covered with mud.
  • befog β€” to surround with fog
  • shrouded β€” a cloth or sheet in which a corpse is wrapped for burial.
  • muddy the waters β€” If someone or something muddies the waters, they cause a situation or issue to seem less clear and less easy to understand.
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