
All hatefulness synonyms

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noun hatefulness

  • distaste β€” dislike; disinclination.
  • antipathy β€” Antipathy is a strong feeling of dislike or hostility towards someone or something.
  • hatred β€” the feeling of one who hates; intense dislike or extreme aversion or hostility.
  • loathing β€” strong dislike or disgust; intense aversion.
  • dislike β€” to regard with displeasure, antipathy, or aversion: I dislike working. I dislike oysters.
  • revulsion β€” a strong feeling of repugnance, distaste, or dislike: Cruelty fills me with revulsion.
  • grudge β€” a feeling of ill will or resentment: to hold a grudge against a former opponent.
  • hostility β€” a hostile state, condition, or attitude; enmity; antagonism; unfriendliness.
  • bitterness β€” having a harsh, disagreeably acrid taste, like that of aspirin, quinine, wormwood, or aloes.
  • resentment β€” the feeling of displeasure or indignation at some act, remark, person, etc., regarded as causing injury or insult.
  • ill will β€” hostile feeling; malevolence; enmity: to harbor ill will against someone.
  • animus β€” If a person has an animus against someone, they have a strong feeling of dislike for them, even when there is no good reason for it.
  • meanness β€” the state or quality of being mean.
  • animosity β€” Animosity is a strong feeling of dislike and anger. Animosities are feelings of this kind.
  • rancor β€” bitter, rankling resentment or ill will; hatred; malice.
  • sarcasm β€” harsh or bitter derision or irony.
  • nastier β€” physically filthy; disgustingly unclean: a nasty pigsty of a room.
  • abhorrence β€” Someone's abhorrence of something is their strong hatred of it.
  • repugnance β€” the state of being repugnant.
  • sickness β€” a particular disease or malady.
  • objection β€” a reason or argument offered in disagreement, opposition, refusal, or disapproval.
  • revolt β€” to break away from or rise against constituted authority, as by open rebellion; cast off allegiance or subjection to those in authority; rebel; mutiny: to revolt against the present government.
  • abomination β€” If you say that something is an abomination, you think that it is completely unacceptable.
  • satiation β€” to supply with anything to excess, so as to disgust or weary; surfeit.
  • surfeit β€” excess; an excessive amount: a surfeit of speechmaking.
  • detestation β€” intense hatred; abhorrence
  • satiety β€” the state of being satiated; surfeit.
  • nausea β€” sickness at the stomach, especially when accompanied by a loathing for food and an involuntary impulse to vomit.
  • mordacity β€” biting or given to biting.
  • umbrage β€” offense; annoyance; displeasure: to feel umbrage at a social snub; to give umbrage to someone; to take umbrage at someone's rudeness.
  • spite β€” a malicious, usually petty, desire to harm, annoy, frustrate, or humiliate another person; bitter ill will; malice.
  • malevolence β€” the quality, state, or feeling of being malevolent; ill will; malice; hatred.
  • venom β€” the poisonous fluid that some animals, as certain snakes and spiders, secrete and introduce into the bodies of their victims by biting, stinging, etc.
  • poison β€” a substance with an inherent property that tends to destroy life or impair health.
  • maliciousness β€” full of, characterized by, or showing malice; intentionally harmful; spiteful: malicious gossip.
  • acerbity β€” Acerbity is a kind of bitter, critical humour.
  • vicious β€” addicted to or characterized by vice; grossly immoral; depraved; profligate: a vicious life.
  • dirt β€” Design In Real Time
  • bane β€” The bane of someone or the bane of someone's life is something that frequently makes them feel unhappy or annoyed.
  • malignity β€” the state or character of being malign; malevolence; intense ill will; spite.
  • despite β€” You use despite to introduce a fact which makes the other part of the sentence surprising.
  • vindictiveness β€” disposed or inclined to revenge; vengeful: a vindictive person.
  • down β€” from higher to lower; in descending direction or order; toward, into, or in a lower position: to come down the ladder.
  • spleen β€” a highly vascular, glandular, ductless organ, situated in humans at the cardiac end of the stomach, serving chiefly in the formation of mature lymphocytes, in the destruction of worn-out red blood cells, and as a reservoir for blood.
  • spitefulness β€” full of spite or malice; showing spite; malicious; malevolent; venomous: a spiteful child.
  • bile β€” Bile is a liquid produced by your liver which helps you to digest fat.
  • malignance β€” the quality or condition of being malignant.
  • disdain β€” to look upon or treat with contempt; despise; scorn.
  • virulence β€” quality of being virulent.
  • contempt β€” If you have contempt for someone or something, you have no respect for them or think that they are unimportant.
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