
All hubba-hubba synonyms

hubΒ·ba hubΒ·ba
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noun hubba-hubba

  • commotion β€” A commotion is a lot of noise, confusion, and excitement.
  • support β€” to bear or hold up (a load, mass, structure, part, etc.); serve as a foundation for.
  • noise β€” sound, especially of a loud, harsh, or confused kind: deafening noises.
  • upheaval β€” strong or violent change or disturbance, as in a society: the upheaval of war.
  • agitation β€” If someone is in a state of agitation, they are very worried or upset, and show this in their behaviour, movements, or voice.
  • tumult β€” violent and noisy commotion or disturbance of a crowd or mob; uproar: The tumult reached its height during the premier's speech.
  • ruckus β€” a noisy commotion; fracas; rumpus: The losers are sure to raise a ruckus.
  • uproar β€” a state of violent and noisy disturbance, as of a multitude; turmoil.
  • hubbub β€” a loud, confused noise, as of many voices: There was quite a hubbub in the auditorium after the announcement.
  • buzz β€” If something buzzes or buzzes somewhere, it makes a long continuous sound, like the noise a bee makes when it is flying.
  • ferment β€” Also called organized ferment. any of a group of living organisms, as yeasts, molds, and certain bacteria, that cause fermentation.
  • outcry β€” a strong and usually public expression of protest, indignation, or the like.
  • brouhaha β€” A brouhaha is an excited and critical fuss or reaction to something.
  • confirmation β€” the act of confirming
  • permission β€” authorization granted to do something; formal consent: to ask permission to leave the room.
  • backing β€” If someone has the backing of an organization or an important person, they receive support or money from that organization or person in order to do something.
  • recommendation β€” an act of recommending.
  • commercial β€” Commercial means involving or relating to the buying and selling of goods.
  • advocacy β€” Someone's advocacy of a particular action or plan is their act of recommending it publicly.
  • favor β€” something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration; a kind act: to ask a favor.
  • ratification β€” the act of ratifying; confirmation; sanction.
  • signature β€” a person's name, or a mark representing it, as signed personally or by deputy, as in subscribing a letter or other document.
  • approval β€” If you win someone's approval for something that you ask for or suggest, they agree to it.
  • affirmation β€” the act of affirming or the state of being affirmed
  • objection β€” a reason or argument offered in disagreement, opposition, refusal, or disapproval.
  • cry β€” When you cry, tears come from your eyes, usually because you are unhappy or hurt.
  • commotion β€” A commotion is a lot of noise, confusion, and excitement.
  • protest β€” an expression or declaration of objection, disapproval, or dissent, often in opposition to something a person is powerless to prevent or avoid: a protest against increased taxation.
  • outburst β€” a sudden and violent release or outpouring: an outburst of tears.
  • clamor β€” If people are clamoring for something, they are demanding it in a noisy or angry way.
  • howl β€” to utter a loud, prolonged, mournful cry, as that of a dog or wolf.
  • discord β€” lack of concord or harmony between persons or things: marital discord.
  • blare β€” If something such as a siren or radio blares or if you blare it, it makes a loud, unpleasant noise.
  • hullabaloo β€” a clamorous noise or disturbance; uproar.
  • hassle β€” a disorderly dispute.
  • racket β€” a light bat having a netting of catgut or nylon stretched in a more or less oval frame and used for striking the ball in tennis, the shuttlecock in badminton, etc.
  • convulsion β€” If someone has convulsions, they suffer uncontrollable movements of their muscles.
  • row β€” record
  • babel β€” If there is a babel of voices, you hear a lot of people talking at the same time, so that you cannot understand what they are saying.
  • shout β€” to call or cry out loudly and vigorously.
  • vociferation β€” noisy outcry; clamor.
  • turmoil β€” a state of great commotion, confusion, or disturbance; tumult; agitation; disquiet: mental turmoil caused by difficult decisions.
  • to-do β€” bustle; fuss: They made a great to-do over the dinner.
  • hoo-ha β€” an uproarious commotion.
  • bustle β€” If someone bustles somewhere, they move there in a hurried way, often because they are very busy.
  • din β€” religion, especially the religious observances of a Muslim.
  • lament β€” to feel or express sorrow or regret for: to lament his absence.
  • pandemonium β€” wild uproar or unrestrained disorder; tumult or chaos.
  • complaint β€” A complaint is a statement in which you express your dissatisfaction with a particular situation.
  • remonstrance β€” an act or instance of remonstrating.
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