
All huffish synonyms

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adjective huffish

  • angry β€” When you are angry, you feel strong dislike or impatience about something.
  • exasperated β€” Simple past tense and past participle of exasperate.

adj huffish

  • angered β€” a strong feeling of displeasure and belligerence aroused by a wrong; wrath; ire.
  • annoyed β€” If you are annoyed, you are fairly angry about something.
  • crabby β€” Someone who is crabby is bad-tempered and unpleasant to people.
  • cross β€” If you cross something such as a room, a road, or an area of land or water, you move or travel to the other side of it. If you cross to a place, you move or travel over a room, road, or area of land or water in order to reach that place.
  • crotchety β€” A crotchety person is bad-tempered and easily irritated.
  • crusty β€” Crusty bread has a hard, crisp outside.
  • curt β€” If you describe someone as curt, you mean that they speak or reply in a brief and rather rude way.
  • disgruntled β€” displeased and discontented; sulky; peevish: Her disgruntled husband refused to join us.
  • fractious β€” refractory or unruly: a fractious animal that would not submit to the harness.
  • grumpy β€” surly or ill-tempered; discontentedly or sullenly irritable; grouchy.
  • hurt β€” to cause bodily injury to; injure: He was badly hurt in the accident.
  • insulted β€” to treat or speak to insolently or with contemptuous rudeness; affront.
  • irritable β€” easily irritated or annoyed; readily excited to impatience or anger.
  • miffed β€” put into an irritable mood, especially by an offending incident: I was miffed when they didn't invite me to the party.
  • moody β€” given to gloomy, depressed, or sullen moods; ill-humored.
  • offended β€” to irritate, annoy, or anger; cause resentful displeasure in: Even the hint of prejudice offends me.
  • peeved β€” annoyed; irritated; vexed.
  • peevish β€” cross, querulous, or fretful, as from vexation or discontent: a peevish youngster.
  • provoked β€” to anger, enrage, exasperate, or vex.
  • put out β€” a throw or cast, especially one made with a forward motion of the hand when raised close to the shoulder.
  • querulous β€” full of complaints; complaining.
  • short β€” having little length; not long.
  • snappish β€” apt to snap or bite, as a dog.
  • snappy β€” Snappy Video Snapshot
  • sulky β€” marked by or given to sulking; sullen.
  • sullen β€” showing irritation or ill humor by a gloomy silence or reserve.
  • surly β€” churlishly rude or bad-tempered: a surly waiter. Synonyms: sullen, uncivil, brusque, irascible, splenetic, choleric, cross; grumpy, grouchy, crabby.
  • testy β€” irritably impatient; touchy.
  • touchy β€” apt to take offense on slight provocation; irritable: He is very touchy when he's sick.
  • waspish β€” Waspy.
  • crabbed β€” surly; irritable; perverse
  • resentful β€” full of or marked by resentment.
  • stewed β€” cooked by simmering or slow boiling, as food.
  • irked β€” to irritate, annoy, or exasperate: It irked him to wait in line.
  • moping β€” to be sunk in dejection or listless apathy; sulk; brood.
  • nettled β€” any plant of the genus Urtica, covered with stinging hairs. Compare nettle family.
  • piqued β€” to affect with sharp irritation and resentment, especially by some wound to pride: She was greatly piqued when they refused her invitation.
  • riled β€” to irritate or vex.
  • vexed β€” irritated; annoyed: vexed at the slow salesclerks.
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