
All ill humor synonyms

ill huΒ·mor
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noun ill humor

  • displeasure β€” dissatisfaction, disapproval, or annoyance.
  • dismay β€” to break down the courage of completely, as by sudden danger or trouble; dishearten thoroughly; daunt: The surprise attack dismayed the enemy.
  • disquiet β€” lack of calm, peace, or ease; anxiety; uneasiness.
  • sensitivity β€” the state or quality of being sensitive; sensitiveness.
  • anger β€” Anger is the strong emotion that you feel when you think that someone has behaved in an unfair, cruel, or unacceptable way.
  • outburst β€” a sudden and violent release or outpouring: an outburst of tears.
  • annoyance β€” Annoyance is the feeling that you get when someone makes you feel fairly angry or impatient.
  • acrimony β€” Acrimony is bitter and angry words or quarrels.
  • impatience β€” lack of patience.
  • rage β€” angry fury; violent anger (sometimes used in combination): a speech full of rage; incidents of road rage.
  • fury β€” unrestrained or violent anger, rage, passion, or the like: The gods unleashed their fury on the offending mortal.
  • antagonism β€” Antagonism between people is hatred or dislike between them. Antagonisms are instances of this.
  • violence β€” swift and intense force: the violence of a storm.
  • resentment β€” the feeling of displeasure or indignation at some act, remark, person, etc., regarded as causing injury or insult.
  • animosity β€” Animosity is a strong feeling of dislike and anger. Animosities are feelings of this kind.
  • ire β€” intense anger; wrath.
  • passion β€” any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate.
  • temper β€” a particular state of mind or feelings.
  • displeasure β€” dissatisfaction, disapproval, or annoyance.
  • irritation β€” the act of irritating or the state of being irritated.
  • outrage β€” an act of wanton cruelty or violence; any gross violation of law or decency.
  • hatred β€” the feeling of one who hates; intense dislike or extreme aversion or hostility.
  • indignation β€” strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting, or base; righteous anger.
  • fume β€” of food, cured or flavored by exposure to smoke; smoked.
  • blow β€” When a wind or breeze blows, the air moves.
  • balk β€” If you balk at something, you definitely do not want to do it or to let it happen.
  • discomfiture β€” Archaic. defeat in battle; rout.
  • humiliation β€” an act or instance of humiliating or being humiliated.
  • spleen β€” a highly vascular, glandular, ductless organ, situated in humans at the cardiac end of the stomach, serving chiefly in the formation of mature lymphocytes, in the destruction of worn-out red blood cells, and as a reservoir for blood.
  • discomposure β€” the state of being discomposed; disorder; agitation; perturbation.
  • upset β€” to overturn: to upset a pitcher of milk.
  • disgruntlement β€” to put into a state of sulky dissatisfaction; make discontent.
  • dissatisfaction β€” the state or attitude of not being satisfied; discontent; displeasure.
  • letdown β€” a decrease in volume, force, energy, etc.: a letdown in sales; a general letdown of social barriers.
  • shame β€” the painful feeling arising from the consciousness of something dishonorable, improper, ridiculous, etc., done by oneself or another: She was overcome with shame.
  • frustration β€” act of frustrating; state of being frustrated: the frustration of the president's efforts.
  • mortification β€” a feeling of humiliation or shame, as through some injury to one's pride or self-respect.
  • crushing β€” A crushing defeat, burden, or disappointment is a very great or severe one.
  • fretful β€” disposed or quick to fret; irritable or peevish.
  • snit β€” an agitated or irritated state.
  • pugnacity β€” inclined to quarrel or fight readily; quarrelsome; belligerent; combative.
  • fit β€” adapted or suited; appropriate: This water isn't fit for drinking. A long-necked giraffe is fit for browsing treetops.
  • acerbity β€” Acerbity is a kind of bitter, critical humour.
  • wax β€” a fit of anger; rage.
  • furor β€” a general outburst of enthusiasm, excitement, controversy, or the like.
  • tizzy β€” Slang. a dither. a nervous, excited, or distracted state.
  • heat β€” the state of a body perceived as having or generating a relatively high degree of warmth.
  • tear β€” the act of tearing.
  • tartness β€” sharp to the taste; sour or acid: Tart apples are best for pie. Synonyms: astringent, acrid, piquant. Antonyms: sweet, sugary, bland, mellow.
  • sullenness β€” showing irritation or ill humor by a gloomy silence or reserve.
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