
All improv synonyms

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adj improv

  • improvisatory β€” of, relating to, or characteristic of an improvisation or improvisator.
  • jamming β€” to press, squeeze, or wedge tightly between bodies or surfaces, so that motion or extrication is made difficult or impossible: The ship was jammed between two rocks.
  • on-the-spot β€” done or occurring at the time or place in question: an on-the-spot recording.
  • winged β€” having wings.
  • faked β€” to lay (a rope) in a coil or series of long loops so as to allow to run freely without fouling or kinking (often followed by down).
  • vamped β€” a seductive woman who uses her sensuality to exploit men.
  • whipped up β€” to beat with a strap, lash, rod, or the like, especially by way of punishment or chastisement; flog; thrash: Criminals used to be whipped for minor offenses.
  • breezy β€” If you describe someone as breezy, you mean that they behave in a casual, cheerful, and confident manner.
  • colloquial β€” of or relating to conversation
  • congenial β€” friendly, pleasant, or agreeable
  • cool β€” Something that is cool has a temperature which is low but not very low.
  • democratic β€” A democratic country, government, or political system is governed by representatives who are elected by the people.
  • easy β€” not hard or difficult; requiring no great labor or effort: a book that is easy to read; an easy victory.
  • easygoing β€” going easily, as a horse.
  • familiar β€” well-acquainted; thoroughly conversant: to be familiar with a subject.
  • folksy β€” friendly or neighborly; sociable.
  • frank β€” direct and unreserved in speech; straightforward; sincere: Her criticism of my work was frank but absolutely fair.
  • homey β€” comfortably informal and inviting; cozy; homelike: a homey little inn.
  • inconspicuous β€” not conspicuous, noticeable, or prominent.
  • loose β€” free or released from fastening or attachment: a loose end.
  • mellow β€” soft, sweet, and full-flavored from ripeness, as fruit.
  • mixed β€” put together or formed by mixing.
  • motley β€” exhibiting great diversity of elements: a motley crowd. Synonyms: heterogenous, varied, diverse, mixed, assorted, sundry; incongruous, disparate, diversified, dissimilar, divergent. Antonyms: homogeneous, uniform, identical; similar, like.
  • natural β€” existing in or formed by nature (opposed to artificial): a natural bridge.
  • open β€” not closed or barred at the time, as a doorway by a door, a window by a sash, or a gateway by a gate: to leave the windows open at night.
  • ordinary β€” of no special quality or interest; commonplace; unexceptional: One novel is brilliant, the other is decidedly ordinary; an ordinary person.
  • sporty β€” flashy; showy.
  • unceremonious β€” discourteously abrupt; hasty; rude: He made an unceremonious departure in the middle of my speech.
  • unconventional β€” not conventional; not bound by or conforming to convention, rule, or precedent; free from conventionality: an unconventional artist; an unconventional use of material.
  • unrestrained β€” not restrained or controlled; uncontrolled or uncontrollable: the unrestrained birthrate in some countries.
  • urbane β€” having the polish and suavity regarded as characteristic of sophisticated social life in major cities: an urbane manner.
  • off-the-cuff β€” with little or no preparation; extemporaneous; impromptu: a speaker with a good off-the-cuff delivery.
  • unconstrained β€” forced, compelled, or obliged: a constrained confession.
  • down home β€” of, relating to, or exhibiting the simple, familiar, or folksy qualities associated with one's family or with rural areas, especially of the southern U.S.: down-home cooking; down-home hospitality.
  • free-and-easy β€” enjoying personal rights or liberty, as a person who is not in slavery: a land of free people.
  • laid back β€” relaxed or unhurried: laid-back music rhythms.
  • low-pressure β€” having or involving a low or below-normal pressure, as steam or water.
  • throwaway β€” made or intended to be discarded after use or quick examination: a throwaway container; a throwaway brochure.
  • unfussy β€” full of details, especially in excess: His writing is so fussy I lose the thread of the story.

verb improv

  • knock off β€” an act or instance of knocking.
  • slapdash β€” in a hasty, haphazard manner: He assembled the motor slapdash.
  • wing it β€” either of the two forelimbs of most birds and of bats, corresponding to the human arms, that are specialized for flight.
  • dash off β€” If you dash off to a place, you go there very quickly.
  • make do β€” something that serves as a substitute, especially of an inferior or expedient nature: We had to get along with make-dos during the war.
  • blend β€” If you blend substances together or if they blend, you mix them together so that they become one substance.
  • combine β€” If you combine two or more things or if they combine, they exist together.
  • compose β€” The things that something is composed of are its parts or members. The separate things that compose something are the parts or members that form it.
  • compound β€” A compound is an enclosed area of land that is used for a particular purpose.
  • construct β€” to draw (a line, angle, or figure) so that certain requirements are satisfied
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