
All in part synonyms

in part
I i

adv in part

  • incompletely β€” not complete; lacking some part.
  • moderately β€” kept or keeping within reasonable or proper limits; not extreme, excessive, or intense: a moderate price.
  • partly β€” in part; to some extent or degree; partially; not wholly: His statement is partly true.
  • somewhat β€” in some measure or degree; to some extent: not angry, just somewhat disturbed.
  • slightly β€” small in amount, degree, etc.: a slight increase; a slight odor.
  • partially β€” being such in part only; not total or general; incomplete: partial blindness; a partial payment of a debt.
  • at least β€” You use at least to say that a number or amount is the smallest that is possible or likely and that the actual number or amount may be greater. The forms at the least and at the very least are also used.
  • considerably β€” to a noteworthy or marked extent; much; noticeably; substantially; amply.
  • fairly β€” in a fair manner; justly or honestly; impartially.
  • rather β€” in a measure; to a certain extent; somewhat: rather good.
  • kind of β€” a more or less adequate or inadequate example of something; sort: The vines formed a kind of roof.
  • quite β€” completely, wholly, or entirely: quite the reverse; not quite finished.
  • far β€” at or to a great distance; a long way off; at or to a remote point: We sailed far ahead of the fleet.
  • pretty β€” pleasing or attractive to the eye, as by delicacy or gracefulness: a pretty face.
  • significantly β€” important; of consequence.
  • a little β€” small in size; not big; not large; tiny: a little desk in the corner of the room.
  • by degrees β€” If something happens by degrees, it happens slowly and gradually.
  • halfway β€” to half the distance; to midpoint: The rope reaches only halfway.
  • piecemeal β€” piece by piece; one piece at a time; gradually: to work piecemeal.
  • fractionally β€” pertaining to fractions; comprising a part or the parts of a unit; constituting a fraction: fractional numbers.
  • in some measure β€” a unit or standard of measurement: weights and measures.
  • little by little β€” small in size; not big; not large; tiny: a little desk in the corner of the room.
  • piece by piece β€” gradually
  • bit by bit β€” If something happens bit by bit, it happens in stages.
  • carelessly β€” If someone does something carelessly, they do it without much thought or effort.
  • inadequately β€” not adequate or sufficient; inept or unsuitable.
  • incompletely β€” not complete; lacking some part.
  • insufficiently β€” not sufficient; lacking in what is necessary or required: an insufficient answer.
  • notably β€” worthy of note or notice; noteworthy: a notable success; a notable theory.
  • relatively β€” in a relative manner: a relatively small difference.
  • at best β€” You use at best to indicate that even if you describe something as favourably as possible or if it performs as well as it possibly can, it is still not very good.
  • at most β€” at the maximum
  • at worst β€” under the worst circumstances; at the greatest disadvantage
  • measurably β€” capable of being measured.
  • noticeably β€” attracting notice or attention; capable of being noticed: a noticeable lack of interest.
  • adequately β€” as much or as good as necessary for some requirement or purpose; fully sufficient, suitable, or fit (often followed by to or for): This car is adequate to our needs. adequate food for fifty people.
  • more or less β€” in greater quantity, amount, measure, degree, or number: I need more money.
  • some β€” being an undetermined or unspecified one: Some person may object.
  • something β€” Informal. a person or thing of some value or consequence: He is really something! This writer has something to say and she says it well.
  • sort of β€” a particular kind, species, variety, class, or group, distinguished by a common character or nature: to develop a new sort of painting; nice people, of course, but not really our sort.
  • well β€” in a good or satisfactory manner: Business is going well.
  • bearable β€” If something is bearable, you feel that you can accept it or deal with it.
  • insignificant β€” unimportant, trifling, or petty: Omit the insignificant details.
  • not much β€” very little
  • to a degree β€” any of a series of steps or stages, as in a process or course of action; a point in any scale.
  • tolerably β€” capable of being tolerated; endurable: His arrogance is no longer tolerable.
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