
All in store synonyms

in store
I i

adj in store

  • approaching β€” coming closer in time
  • reserve β€” to keep back or save for future use, disposal, treatment, etc.
  • subsequent β€” occurring or coming later or after (often followed by to): subsequent events; Subsequent to their arrival in Chicago, they bought a new car.
  • forthcoming β€” coming, forth, or about to come forth; about to appear; approaching in time: the forthcoming concert.
  • impending β€” about to happen; imminent: their impending marriage.
  • anticipated β€” If an event, especially a cultural event, is eagerly anticipated, people expect that it will be very good, exciting, or interesting.
  • doomed β€” fate or destiny, especially adverse fate; unavoidable ill fortune: In exile and poverty, he met his doom.
  • coming β€” A coming event or time is an event or time that will happen soon.
  • intended β€” purposed; designed; intentional: an intended snub.
  • designed β€” made or done intentionally; intended; planned.
  • supplementary β€” Also, supplemental. of the nature of or forming a supplement; additional.
  • added β€” You use added to say that something has more of a particular thing or quality.
  • ancillary β€” The ancillary workers in an institution are the people such as cleaners and cooks whose work supports the main work of the institution.
  • additional β€” Additional things are extra things apart from the ones already present.
  • unnecessary β€” not necessary or essential; needless; unessential.
  • unused β€” not used; not put to use: an unused room.
  • fresh β€” newly made or obtained: fresh footprints.
  • supplemental β€” supplementary.
  • new β€” other than the former or the old: a new era; in the New World.
  • further β€” at or to a great distance; a long way off; at or to a remote point: We sailed far ahead of the fleet.
  • leftover β€” Usually, leftovers. food remaining uneaten at the end of a meal, especially when saved for later use.
  • other β€” additional or further: he and one other person.
  • special β€” of a distinct or particular kind or character: a special kind of key.
  • auxiliary β€” An auxiliary is a person who is employed to assist other people in their work. Auxiliaries are often medical workers or members of the armed forces.
  • upcoming β€” coming up; about to take place, appear, or be presented: the upcoming spring fashions.
  • approaching β€” coming closer in time
  • awaited β€” to wait for; expect; look for: He is still awaiting an answer.
  • probable β€” likely to occur or prove true: He foresaw a probable business loss. He is the probable writer of the article.
  • possible β€” that may or can be, exist, happen, be done, be used, etc.: a disease with no possible cure.
  • likely β€” probably or apparently destined (usually followed by an infinitive): something not likely to happen.
  • unoccupied β€” without occupants; empty; vacant.
  • ordained β€” to invest with ministerial or sacerdotal functions; confer holy orders upon.
  • instant β€” an infinitesimal or very short space of time; a moment: They arrived not an instant too soon.
  • fated β€” subject to, guided by, or predetermined by fate; destined.
  • oncoming β€” approaching; nearing: the oncoming train; the oncoming holiday season.
  • aspiring β€” If you use aspiring to describe someone who is starting a particular career, you mean that they are trying to become successful in it.
  • nearing β€” close; to a point or place not far away: Come near so I won't have to shout.
  • marked β€” strikingly noticeable; conspicuous: with marked success.
  • foreseen β€” to have prescience of; to know in advance; foreknow.
  • near β€” close; to a point or place not far away: Come near so I won't have to shout.
  • future β€” time that is to be or come hereafter.
  • deserving β€” If you describe a person, organization, or cause as deserving, you mean that you think they should be helped.
  • pursuing β€” to follow in order to overtake, capture, kill, etc.; chase.
  • close β€” When you close something such as a door or lid or when it closes, it moves so that a hole, gap, or opening is covered.
  • due β€” together; in unison.
  • converging β€” to tend to meet in a point or line; incline toward each other, as lines that are not parallel.
  • progressing β€” a movement toward a goal or to a further or higher stage: the progress of a student toward a degree.
  • predestined β€” to destine in advance; foreordain; predetermine: He seemed predestined for the ministry.
  • docking β€” the solid or fleshy part of an animal's tail, as distinguished from the hair.
  • advancing β€” to move or bring forward: The general advanced his troops to the new position.
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