
All in unison synonyms

in uΒ·niΒ·son
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adj in unison

  • friendly β€” characteristic of or befitting a friend; showing friendship: a friendly greeting.
  • cordial β€” Cordial means friendly.
  • peaceful β€” characterized by peace; free from war, strife, commotion, violence, or disorder: a peaceful reign; a peaceful demonstration.
  • balanced β€” A balanced report, book, or other document takes into account all the different opinions on something and presents information in a fair and reasonable way.
  • congenial β€” friendly, pleasant, or agreeable
  • amicable β€” When people have an amicable relationship, they are pleasant to each other and solve their problems without quarrelling.
  • accordant β€” in conformity or harmony
  • adapted β€” If something is adapted to a particular situation or purpose, it is especially suitable for it.
  • compatible β€” If things, for example systems, ideas, and beliefs, are compatible, they work well together or can exist together successfully.
  • congruous β€” corresponding or agreeing
  • consonant β€” A consonant is a sound such as 'p', 'f', 'n', or 't' which you pronounce by stopping the air flowing freely through your mouth. Compare vowel.
  • dulcet β€” pleasant to the ear; melodious: the dulcet tones of the cello.
  • like β€” in like manner with; similarly to; in the manner characteristic of: He works like a beaver.
  • matching β€” a person or thing that equals or resembles another in some respect.
  • mellifluous β€” sweetly or smoothly flowing; sweet-sounding: a mellifluous voice; mellifluous tones.
  • melodic β€” melodious.
  • melodious β€” of the nature of or characterized by melody; tuneful.
  • mix β€” to combine (substances, elements, things, etc.) into one mass, collection, or assemblage, generally with a thorough blending of the constituents.
  • musical β€” of, relating to, or producing music: a musical instrument.
  • similar β€” having a likeness or resemblance, especially in a general way: two similar houses.
  • sonorous β€” giving out or capable of giving out a sound, especially a deep, resonant sound, as a thing or place: a sonorous cavern.
  • suitable β€” such as to suit; appropriate; fitting; becoming.
  • symmetrical β€” characterized by or exhibiting symmetry; well-proportioned, as a body or whole; regular in form or arrangement of corresponding parts.
  • sympathetic β€” characterized by, proceeding from, exhibiting, or feeling sympathy; sympathizing; compassionate: a sympathetic listener.
  • symphonic β€” Music. of, for, pertaining to, or having the character of a symphony or symphony orchestra.
  • tuneful β€” full of melody; melodious: tuneful compositions.
  • harmonic β€” pertaining to harmony, as distinguished from melody and rhythm.
  • rhythmical β€” periodic, as motion, or a drumbeat.
  • symphonious β€” harmonious; in harmonious agreement or accord.
  • concordant β€” being in agreement: harmonious
  • in chorus β€” Music. a group of persons singing in unison. (in an opera, oratorio, etc.) such a group singing choral parts in connection with soloists or individual singers. a piece of music for singing in unison. a part of a song that recurs at intervals, usually following each verse; refrain.
  • in concert β€” a public musical performance in which a number of singers or instrumentalists, or both, participate.
  • in step β€” a movement made by lifting the foot and setting it down again in a new position, accompanied by a shifting of the weight of the body in the direction of the new position, as in walking, running, or dancing.
  • in tune β€” instrument: correctly tuned
  • silvery β€” resembling silver; of a lustrous grayish-white color: the silvery moon.
  • simpatico β€” congenial or like-minded; likable: I find our new neighbor simpatico in every respect.

adv in unison

  • as one β€” If a group of people does something as one, all the people do the same thing at the same time or in the same way.
  • all at once β€” If something happens all at once, it happens suddenly, often when you are not expecting it to happen.
  • simultaneously β€” existing, occurring, or operating at the same time; concurrent: simultaneous movements; simultaneous translation.
  • mutually β€” possessed, experienced, performed, etc., by each of two or more with respect to the other; reciprocal: to have mutual respect.
  • together β€” into or in one gathering, company, mass, place, or body: to call the people together.
  • accordingly β€” You use accordingly to introduce a fact or situation which is a result or consequence of something that you have just referred to.
  • cooperatively β€” working or acting together willingly for a common purpose or benefit.
  • collectively β€” formed by collection.
  • unitedly β€” made into or caused to act as a single entity: a united front.
  • jointly β€” together; in combination or partnership; in common: My brother and I own the farm jointly.
  • closely β€” to put (something) in a position to obstruct an entrance, opening, etc.; shut.
  • consistently β€” agreeing or accordant; compatible; not self-contradictory: His views and actions are consistent.
  • universally β€” in a universal manner; in every instance or place; without exception.
  • conjoint β€” united, joint, or associated
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