
All inherent synonyms

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adj inherent

  • latent β€” present but not visible, apparent, or actualized; existing as potential: latent ability.
  • innate β€” existing in one from birth; inborn; native: innate musical talent.
  • constitutional β€” Constitutional means relating to the constitution of a particular country or organization.
  • built-in β€” Built-in devices or features are included in something as a part of it, rather than being separate.
  • internal β€” situated or existing in the interior of something; interior.
  • natural β€” existing in or formed by nature (opposed to artificial): a natural bridge.
  • genetic β€” Biology. pertaining or according to genetics.
  • deep-rooted β€” Deep-rooted means the same as deep-seated.
  • deep-seated β€” A deep-seated problem, feeling, or belief is difficult to change because its causes have been there for a long time.
  • fundamental β€” serving as, or being an essential part of, a foundation or basis; basic; underlying: fundamental principles; the fundamental structure.
  • instinctive β€” of, relating to, or of the nature of instinct.
  • ingrained β€” ingrained; firmly fixed.
  • intrinsic β€” belonging to a thing by its very nature: the intrinsic value of a gold ring.
  • implicit β€” implied, rather than expressly stated: implicit agreement.
  • characteristic β€” The characteristics of a person or thing are the qualities or features that belong to them and make them recognizable.
  • congenital β€” A congenital disease or medical condition is one that a person has had from birth, but is not inherited.
  • distinctive β€” serving to distinguish; characteristic; distinguishing: the distinctive stripes of the zebra.
  • fixed β€” fastened, attached, or placed so as to be firm and not readily movable; firmly implanted; stationary; rigid.
  • immanent β€” remaining within; indwelling; inherent.
  • inborn β€” naturally present at birth; innate.
  • inbred β€” naturally inherent; innate; native: her inbred grace.
  • indigenous β€” originating in and characteristic of a particular region or country; native (often followed by to): the plants indigenous to Canada; the indigenous peoples of southern Africa.
  • indispensable β€” absolutely necessary, essential, or requisite: an indispensable member of the staff.
  • individual β€” a single human being, as distinguished from a group.
  • inherited β€” to take or receive (property, a right, a title, etc.) by succession or will, as an heir: to inherit the family business.
  • inner β€” situated within or farther within; interior: an inner door.
  • integral β€” of, relating to, or belonging as a part of the whole; constituent or component: integral parts.
  • integrated β€” combining or coordinating separate elements so as to provide a harmonious, interrelated whole: an integrated plot; an integrated course of study.
  • intimate β€” associated in close personal relations: an intimate friend.
  • inward β€” toward the inside, interior, or center, as of a place, space, or body.
  • native β€” being the place or environment in which a person was born or a thing came into being: one's native land.
  • original β€” belonging or pertaining to the origin or beginning of something, or to a thing at its beginning: The book still has its original binding.
  • part and parcel β€” a portion or division of a whole that is separate or distinct; piece, fragment, fraction, or section; constituent: the rear part of the house; to glue the two parts together.
  • resident β€” a person who resides in a place.
  • subjective β€” existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought (opposed to objective).
  • connate β€” existing in a person or thing from birth; congenital or innate
  • indwelling β€” to inhabit.
  • inbuilt β€” built-in (def 2).
  • unalienable β€” not transferable to another or not capable of being taken away or denied; inalienable: Inherent in the U.S. Constitution is the belief that all people are born with an unalienable right to freedom.

adjective inherent

  • essential β€” Absolutely necessary; extremely important.
  • in-built β€” built-in (def 2).
  • basic β€” You use basic to describe things, activities, and principles that are very important or necessary, and on which others depend.
  • hereditary β€” passing, or capable of passing, naturally from parent to offspring through the genes: Blue eyes are hereditary in our family. Compare congenital.
  • elementary β€” Of or relating to the most rudimentary aspects of a subject.
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