
All initialling synonyms

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verb initialling

  • scar β€” a precipitous, rocky place; cliff.
  • score β€” the record of points or strokes made by the competitors in a game or match.
  • sign β€” a token; indication.
  • smudge β€” a dirty mark or smear.
  • splotch β€” a large, irregular spot; blot; stain; blotch.
  • stamp β€” to strike or beat with a forcible, downward thrust of the foot.
  • streak β€” a long, narrow mark, smear, band of color, or the like: streaks of mud.
  • stroke β€” a short oblique stroke (/) between two words indicating that whichever is appropriate may be chosen to complete the sense of the text in which they occur: The defendant and his/her attorney must appear in court.
  • trace β€” either of the two straps, ropes, or chains by which a carriage, wagon, or the like is drawn by a harnessed horse or other draft animal.
  • underline β€” to mark with a line or lines underneath; underscore.
  • write β€” to trace or form (characters, letters, words, etc.) on the surface of some material, as with a pen, pencil, or other instrument or means; inscribe: Write your name on the board.
  • confirm β€” If something confirms what you believe, suspect, or fear, it shows that it is definitely true.
  • endorse β€” Declare one's public approval or support of.
  • acknowledge β€” If you acknowledge a fact or a situation, you accept or admit that it is true or that it exists.
  • authorize β€” If someone in a position of authority authorizes something, they give their official permission for it to happen.
  • authorise β€” to give authority or official power to; empower: to authorize an employee to sign purchase orders.
  • signature β€” a person's name, or a mark representing it, as signed personally or by deputy, as in subscribing a letter or other document.
  • subscribe β€” to pledge, as by signing an agreement, to give or pay (a sum of money) as a contribution, gift, or investment: He subscribed $6,000 for the new church.
  • witness β€” to see, hear, or know by personal presence and perception: to witness an accident.
  • rubber-stamp β€” to imprint with a rubber stamp.
  • insure β€” to guarantee against loss or harm.
  • approve β€” If you approve of an action, event, or suggestion, you like it or are pleased about it.
  • bankroll β€” To bankroll a person, organization, or project means to provide the financial resources that they need.
  • finance β€” the management of revenues; the conduct or transaction of money matters generally, especially those affecting the public, as in the fields of banking and investment.
  • guarantee β€” a promise or assurance, especially one in writing, that something is of specified quality, content, benefit, etc., or that it will perform satisfactorily for a given length of time: a money-back guarantee.
  • provide β€” to make available; furnish: to provide employees with various benefits.
  • secure β€” free from or not exposed to danger or harm; safe.
  • sponsor β€” a person who vouches or is responsible for a person or thing.
  • subsidize β€” to furnish or aid with a subsidy.
  • subsidise β€” to furnish or aid with a subsidy.
  • accede β€” If you accede to someone's request, you do what they ask.
  • back β€” If you move back, you move in the opposite direction to the one in which you are facing or in which you were moving before.
  • countersign β€” If you countersign a document, you sign it after someone else has signed it.
  • endow β€” Give or bequeath an income or property to (a person or institution).
  • float β€” to rest or remain on the surface of a liquid; be buoyant: The hollow ball floated.
  • fund β€” a supply of money or pecuniary resources, as for some purpose: a fund for his education; a retirement fund.
  • help β€” to give or provide what is necessary to accomplish a task or satisfy a need; contribute strength or means to; render assistance to; cooperate effectively with; aid; assist: He planned to help me with my work. Let me help you with those packages.
  • okay β€” to put one's endorsement on or indicate one's approval of (a request, piece of copy, bank check, etc.); authorize; initial: Would you OK my application?
  • pay β€” to coat or cover (seams, a ship's bottom, etc.) with pitch, tar, or the like.
  • sanction β€” authoritative permission or approval, as for an action.
  • stake β€” something that is wagered in a game, race, or contest.
  • support β€” to bear or hold up (a load, mass, structure, part, etc.); serve as a foundation for.
  • angel β€” Angels are spiritual beings that some people believe are God's servants in heaven.
  • collateral β€” Collateral is money or property which is used as a guarantee that someone will repay a loan.

noun initialling

  • lettering β€” a written or printed communication addressed to a person or organization and usually transmitted by mail.
  • blazing β€” Blazing sun or blazing hot weather is very hot.
  • branding β€” The branding of a product is the presentation of it to the public in a way that makes it easy for people to recognize or identify.
  • earmarking β€” Present participle of earmark.
  • impressing β€” to press or force into public service, as sailors.
  • imprinting β€” a mark made by pressure; a mark or figure impressed or printed on something.
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