
All insincere synonyms

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adj insincere

  • dishonest — not honest; disposed to lie, cheat, or steal; not worthy of trust or belief: a dishonest person.
  • disingenuous — lacking in frankness, candor, or sincerity; falsely or hypocritically ingenuous; insincere: Her excuse was rather disingenuous.
  • deceitful — If you say that someone is deceitful, you mean that they behave in a dishonest way by making other people believe something that is not true.
  • hypocritical — of the nature of hypocrisy, or pretense of having virtues, beliefs, principles, etc., that one does not actually possess: The parent who has a “do what I say and not what I do” attitude can appear hypocritical to a child.
  • phony — not real or genuine; fake; counterfeit: a phony diamond.
  • untruthful — not truthful; wanting in veracity; diverging from or contrary to the truth; not corresponding with fact or reality.
  • devious — If you describe someone as devious you do not like them because you think they are dishonest and like to keep things secret, often in a complicated way.
  • false — not true or correct; erroneous: a false statement.
  • backhanded — A backhanded compliment is a remark which seems to be an insult but could also be understood as a compliment. A backhanded compliment is also a remark which seems to be a compliment but could also be understood as an insult.
  • deceptive — If something is deceptive, it encourages you to believe something which is not true.
  • double — twice as large, heavy, strong, etc.; twofold in size, amount, number, extent, etc.: a double portion; a new house double the size of the old one.
  • double-dealing — duplicity; treachery; deception.
  • duplicitous — marked or characterized by duplicity.
  • faithless — not adhering to allegiance, promises, vows, or duty: the faithless behavior of Benedict Arnold.
  • fake — to lay (a rope) in a coil or series of long loops so as to allow to run freely without fouling or kinking (often followed by down).
  • hollow — having a space or cavity inside; not solid; empty: a hollow sphere.
  • lying — the manner, relative position, or direction in which something lies: the lie of the patio, facing the water. Synonyms: place, location, site.
  • mendacious — telling lies, especially habitually; dishonest; lying; untruthful: a mendacious person.
  • perfidious — deliberately faithless; treacherous; deceitful: a perfidious lover.
  • pretentious — characterized by assumption of dignity or importance, especially when exaggerated or undeserved: a pretentious, self-important waiter.
  • shifty — resourceful; fertile in expedients.
  • slick — smooth and glossy; sleek.
  • sly — cunning or wily: sly as a fox.
  • snide — derogatory in a nasty, insinuating manner: snide remarks about his boss.
  • two-faced — having two faces.
  • unfaithful — not faithful; false to duty, obligation, or promises; faithless; disloyal.
  • untrue — not true, as to a person or a cause, to fact, or to a standard.
  • ambidextrous — Someone who is ambidextrous can use both their right hand and their left hand equally skilfully.
  • put-on — an act or instance of putting someone on.
  • dissembling — to give a false or misleading appearance to; conceal the truth or real nature of: to dissemble one's incompetence in business.

adjective insincere

  • pretended — Informal. make-believe; simulated; counterfeit: pretend diamonds.
  • evasive — Tending to avoid commitment or self-revelation, esp. by responding only indirectly.
  • dissimulating — Present participle of dissimulate.
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