
All intimation synonyms

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noun intimation

  • streak — a long, narrow mark, smear, band of color, or the like: streaks of mud.
  • allusion — An allusion is an indirect reference to someone or something.
  • communication — Communications are the systems and processes that are used to communicate or broadcast information, especially by means of electricity or radio waves.
  • insinuation — an indirect or covert suggestion or hint, especially of a derogatory nature: She made nasty insinuations about her rivals.
  • inkling — a slight suggestion or indication; hint; intimation: They hadn't given us an inkling of what was going to happen.
  • strain — to draw tight or taut, especially to the utmost tension; stretch to the full: to strain a rope.
  • warning — the act or utterance of one who warns or the existence, appearance, sound, etc., of a thing that warns.
  • announcement — An announcement is a statement made to the public or to the media which gives information about something that has happened or that will happen.
  • telltale — a person who heedlessly or maliciously reveals private or confidential matters; tattler; talebearer.
  • tip — Eugene (Gladstone) 1888–1953, U.S. playwright: Nobel prize 1936.
  • breath — Your breath is the air that you let out through your mouth when you breathe. If someone has bad breath, their breath smells unpleasant.
  • cue — In the theatre or in a musical performance, a performer's cue is something another performer says or does that is a signal for them to begin speaking, playing, or doing something.
  • suspicion — act of suspecting.
  • reminder — a person or thing that serves to remind.
  • notice — an announcement or intimation of something impending; warning: a day's notice.
  • suggestion — the act of suggesting.
  • trace — either of the two straps, ropes, or chains by which a carriage, wagon, or the like is drawn by a harnessed horse or other draft animal.
  • declaration — A declaration is an official announcement or statement.
  • shadow — a dark figure or image cast on the ground or some surface by a body intercepting light.
  • innuendo — an indirect intimation about a person or thing, especially of a disparaging or a derogatory nature.
  • indication — anything serving to indicate or point out, as a sign or token.
  • shade — the comparative darkness caused by the interception or screening of rays of light from an object, place, or area.
  • implication — implies
  • tinge — to impart a trace or slight degree of some color to; tint.
  • notion — a general understanding; vague or imperfect conception or idea of something: a notion of how something should be done.
  • wind — the act of winding.
  • hint — an indirect, covert, or helpful suggestion; clue: Give me a hint as to his identity.
  • rumour — a story or statement in general circulation without confirmation or certainty as to facts: a rumor of war.
  • rumor — a story or statement in general circulation without confirmation or certainty as to facts: a rumor of war.
  • clue — A clue to a problem or mystery is something that helps you to find the answer to it.
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