
All ironfisted synonyms

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adj ironfisted

  • mean β€” to intend for a particular purpose, destination, etc.: They were meant for each other. Synonyms: destine, foreordain.
  • frugal β€” economical in use or expenditure; prudently saving or sparing; not wasteful: What your office needs is a frugal manager who can save you money without resorting to painful cutbacks. Synonyms: thrifty, chary, provident, careful, prudent, penny-wise, scrimping; miserly, Scotch, penny-pinching. Antonyms: wasteful, extravagant, spendthrift, prodigal, profligate.
  • miserly β€” of, like, or befitting a miser; penurious; stingy; niggardly.
  • thrifty β€” practicing thrift or economical management; frugal: a thrifty shopper.
  • greedy β€” excessively or inordinately desirous of wealth, profit, etc.; avaricious: the greedy owners of the company.
  • selfish β€” devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one's own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardless of others.
  • unsparing β€” not sparing; liberal or profuse; excessive.
  • inhumane β€” not humane; lacking humanity, kindness, compassion, etc.
  • stringent β€” rigorously binding or exacting; strict; severe: stringent laws.
  • tough β€” strong and durable; not easily broken or cut.
  • scrupulous β€” having scruples, or moral or ethical standards; having or showing a strict regard for what one considers right; principled: scrupulous about defending human rights.
  • rigid β€” stiff or unyielding; not pliant or flexible; hard: a rigid strip of metal.
  • rigorous β€” characterized by rigor; rigidly severe or harsh, as people, rules, or discipline: rigorous laws.
  • draconian β€” of, relating to, or characteristic of the Athenian statesman Draco, or his severe code of laws.
  • stiff β€” rigid or firm; difficult or impossible to bend or flex: a stiff collar.
  • forceful β€” full of force; powerful; vigorous; effective: a forceful plea for peace.
  • binding β€” A binding promise, agreement, or decision must be obeyed or carried out.
  • demanding β€” A demanding job or task requires a lot of your time, energy, or attention.
  • strict β€” characterized by or acting in close conformity to requirements or principles: a strict observance of rituals.
  • ironclad β€” covered or cased with iron plates, as a ship for naval warfare; armor-plated.
  • tenacious β€” holding fast; characterized by keeping a firm hold (often followed by of): a tenacious grip on my arm; tenacious of old habits.
  • unwavering β€” to sway to and fro; flutter: Foliage wavers in the breeze.
  • continuous β€” A continuous process or event continues for a period of time without stopping.
  • constant β€” You use constant to describe something that happens all the time or is always there.
  • ceaseless β€” If something, often something unpleasant, is ceaseless, it continues for a long time without stopping or changing.
  • persistent β€” persistence
  • incessant β€” continuing without interruption; ceaseless; unending: an incessant noise.
  • unremitting β€” not slackening or abating; incessant: unremitting noise; unremitting attention.
  • continual β€” A continual process or situation happens or exists without stopping.
  • unabated β€” with undiminished force, power, or vigor.
  • uncompromising β€” not admitting of compromise or adjustment of differences; making no concessions; inaccessible to flexible bargaining; unyielding: an uncompromising attitude.
  • unrelenting β€” not relenting; not yielding or swerving in determination or resolution, as of or from opinions, convictions, ambitions, ideals, etc.; inflexible: an unrelenting opponent of the Equal Rights Amendment.
  • intractable β€” not easily controlled or directed; not docile or manageable; stubborn; obstinate: an intractable disposition.
  • inexorable β€” unyielding; unalterable: inexorable truth; inexorable justice.
  • ruthless β€” without pity or compassion; cruel; merciless: a ruthless tyrant.
  • unyielding β€” unable to bend or be penetrated under pressure; hard: trees so unyielding that they broke in the harsh north winds.
  • unforgiving β€” not disposed to forgive or show mercy; unrelenting.
  • relentless β€” that does not relent; unyieldingly severe, strict, or harsh; unrelenting: a relentless enemy.
  • savage β€” fierce, ferocious, or cruel; untamed: savage beasts.
  • ferocious β€” savagely fierce, as a wild beast, person, action, or aspect; violently cruel: a ferocious beating.
  • harsh β€” ungentle and unpleasant in action or effect: harsh treatment; harsh manners.
  • inhuman β€” lacking qualities of sympathy, pity, warmth, compassion, or the like; cruel; brutal: an inhuman master.
  • callous β€” A callous person or action is very cruel and shows no concern for other people or their feelings.
  • vicious β€” addicted to or characterized by vice; grossly immoral; depraved; profligate: a vicious life.
  • brutal β€” A brutal act or person is cruel and violent.
  • fierce β€” menacingly wild, savage, or hostile: fierce animals; a fierce look.
  • cruel β€” Someone who is cruel deliberately causes pain or distress to people or animals.
  • cold-blooded β€” Someone who is cold-blooded does not show any pity or emotion.
  • cutthroat β€” a person who cuts throats; murderer
  • sadistic β€” pertaining to or characterized by sadism; deriving pleasure or sexual gratification from extreme cruelty: a sadistic psychopath.
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