
All jive synonyms

J j

verb jive

  • sucker β€” a person or thing that sucks.
  • cavil β€” If you say that someone cavils at something, you mean that they make criticisms of it that you think are unimportant or unnecessary.
  • dodge β€” to elude or evade by a sudden shift of position or by strategy: to dodge a blow; to dodge a question.
  • elude β€” Evade or escape from (a danger, enemy, or pursuer), typically in a skillful or cunning way.
  • escape β€” An act of breaking free from confinement or control.
  • eschew β€” Deliberately avoid using; abstain from.
  • evade β€” Escape or avoid, esp. by cleverness or trickery.
  • falsify β€” to make false or incorrect, especially so as to deceive: to falsify income-tax reports.
  • fence β€” a barrier enclosing or bordering a field, yard, etc., usually made of posts and wire or wood, used to prevent entrance, to confine, or to mark a boundary.
  • fib β€” a small or trivial lie; minor falsehood.
  • flip-flop β€” Informal. a sudden or unexpected reversal, as of direction, belief, attitude, or policy.
  • fudge β€” a small stereotype or a few lines of specially prepared type, bearing a newspaper bulletin, for replacing a detachable part of a page plate without the need to replate the entire page.
  • hedge β€” a row of bushes or small trees planted close together, especially when forming a fence or boundary; hedgerow: small fields separated by hedges.
  • palter β€” to talk or act insincerely or deceitfully; lie or use trickery.
  • parry β€” to ward off (a thrust, stroke, weapon, etc.), as in fencing; avert.
  • prevaricate β€” to speak falsely or misleadingly; deliberately misstate or create an incorrect impression; lie.
  • pussyfoot β€” to go or move in a stealthy or cautious manner.

noun jive

  • confabulation β€” the act of confabulating; conversation; discussion.
  • bombast β€” Bombast is trying to impress people by saying things that sound impressive but have little meaning.
  • converse β€” If you converse with someone, you talk to them. You can also say that two people converse.
  • bunk β€” A bunk is a bed that is fixed to a wall, especially in a ship or caravan.
  • expression β€” The process of making known one's thoughts or feelings.
  • drivel β€” saliva flowing from the mouth, or mucus from the nose; slaver.
  • gab β€” to talk or chat idly; chatter.
  • gibberish β€” meaningless or unintelligible talk or writing.
  • intercourse β€” dealings or communication between individuals, groups, countries, etc.
  • giddiness β€” affected with vertigo; dizzy.
  • palaver β€” a conference or discussion.
  • poppycock β€” nonsense; bosh.
  • parley β€” a discussion or conference.
  • prattle β€” to talk in a foolish or simple-minded way; chatter; babble.
  • powwow β€” a large gathering organized by North American Indians for socializing, dancing, singing, and celebrating their culture.
  • rubbish β€” worthless, unwanted material that is rejected or thrown out; debris; litter; trash.
  • repartee β€” a quick, witty reply.
  • trash β€” anything worthless, useless, or discarded; rubbish.
  • ventilation β€” the act of ventilating.
  • madness β€” the state of being mad; insanity.
  • yak β€” a loud, hearty laugh.
  • bananas β€” crazy (esp in the phrase go bananas)
  • pillow talk β€” private conversation, endearments, or confidences exchanged in bed or in intimate circumstances between spouses or lovers.
  • claptrap β€” If you describe something that someone says as claptrap, you mean that it is stupid or foolish although it may sound important.
  • talkfest β€” a lengthy conversation, discussion, or debate.
  • fatuity β€” complacent stupidity; foolishness.
  • tete-a-tete β€” a private conversation or interview, usually between two people.
  • flightiness β€” The quality of being flighty.
  • disco β€” discotheque.
  • hooey β€” silly or worthless talk, writing, ideas, etc.; nonsense; bunk: That's a lot of hooey and you know it!
  • rock β€” rock the boat, Informal. to disrupt the smooth functioning or routine of something: Don't rock the boat by demanding special treatment from management.
  • imprudence β€” not prudent; lacking discretion; incautious; rash.
  • samba β€” a rhythmic, Brazilian ballroom dance of African origin.
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