
All kidder synonyms

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adj kidder

  • undeveloped β€” not developed.
  • unfinished β€” not finished; incomplete or unaccomplished.
  • unformed β€” not definitely shaped; shapeless or formless.
  • unseasonable β€” not seasonable; being out of season; unseasonal: unseasonable weather.
  • unseasoned β€” (of things) not seasoned; not matured, dried, etc., by due seasoning: unseasoned wood.
  • untimely β€” not timely; not occurring at a suitable time or season; ill-timed or inopportune: An untimely downpour stopped the game.
  • youthful β€” characterized by youth; young.
  • half-grown β€” advanced in growth: a grown boy.
  • infantine β€” infantile.
  • undergrown β€” not grown to normal size or height: sickly and undergrown cattle.
  • amateur β€” An amateur is someone who does something as a hobby and not as a job.
  • fresh β€” newly made or obtained: fresh footprints.
  • ignorant β€” lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned: an ignorant man.
  • inexpert β€” not expert; unskilled.
  • innocent β€” free from moral wrong; without sin; pure: innocent children.
  • new β€” other than the former or the old: a new era; in the New World.
  • rookie β€” an athlete playing his or her first season as a member of a professional sports team: The rookie replaced the injured regular at first base.
  • rude β€” discourteous or impolite, especially in a deliberate way: a rude reply.
  • unaccustomed β€” not accustomed or habituated: to be unaccustomed to hardships.
  • unacquainted β€” having personal knowledge as a result of study, experience, etc.; informed (usually followed by with): to be acquainted with law.
  • unused β€” not used; not put to use: an unused room.
  • unversed β€” experienced; practiced; skilled; learned (usually followed by in): She was well versed in Greek and Latin.
  • unworldly β€” not worldly; not seeking material advantage; spiritually minded.
  • verdant β€” green with vegetation; covered with growing plants or grass: a verdant oasis.
  • unpracticed β€” not trained or skilled; inexpert: an unpracticed actor.
  • prentice β€” a male given name.
  • spring chicken β€” a young chicken, especially a broiler or fryer.
  • unconversant β€” familiar by use or study (usually followed by with): conversant with Spanish history.
  • childlike β€” You describe someone as childlike when they seem like a child in their character, appearance, or behaviour.
  • early β€” in or during the first part of a period of time, a course of action, a series of events, etc.: early in the year.
  • growing β€” becoming greater in quantity, size, extent, or intensity: growing discontent among industrial workers.
  • initial β€” of, relating to, or occurring at the beginning; first: the initial step in a process.
  • newborn β€” recently or only just born.
  • weak β€” not strong; liable to yield, break, or collapse under pressure or strain; fragile; frail: a weak fortress; a weak spot in armor.
  • dawning β€” gradually beginning to become light
  • developing β€” If you talk about developing countries or the developing world, you mean the countries or the parts of the world that are poor and have few industries.
  • nascent β€” beginning to exist or develop: That nascent republic is holding its first election this month.
  • blameless β€” Someone who is blameless has not done anything wrong.
  • celibate β€” Someone who is celibate does not marry or have sex, because of their religious beliefs.
  • continent β€” A continent is a very large area of land, such as Africa or Asia, that consists of several countries.
  • immaculate β€” free from spot or stain; spotlessly clean: immaculate linen.
  • inculpable β€” not culpable; blameless; guiltless.
  • irreproachable β€” free from blame; not able to be reproached or censured.
  • modest β€” having or showing a moderate or humble estimate of one's merits, importance, etc.; free from vanity, egotism, boastfulness, or great pretensions.
  • righteous β€” characterized by uprightness or morality: a righteous observance of the law.
  • sinless β€” free from or without sin.
  • spotless β€” free from any spot, stain, etc.; immaculately clean: a spotless kitchen.
  • stainless β€” having no stain; spotless.
  • unblemished β€” to destroy or diminish the perfection of: The book is blemished by those long, ineffective descriptions.
  • undefiled β€” not damaged or sullied
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