
All kvetching synonyms

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adjective kvetching

  • complaining β€” to express dissatisfaction, pain, uneasiness, censure, resentment, or grief; find fault: He complained constantly about the noise in the corridor.
  • caviling β€” Present participle of cavil.
  • criticising β€” to censure or find fault with.
  • criticizing β€” Present participle of criticize.
  • disparaging β€” that disparages; tending to belittle or bring reproach upon: a disparaging remark.
  • griping β€” Informal. to complain naggingly or constantly; grumble.
  • grousing β€” to grumble; complain: I've never met anyone who grouses so much about his work.
  • grumbling β€” to murmur or mutter in discontent; complain sullenly.
  • moaning β€” a prolonged, low, inarticulate sound uttered from or as if from physical or mental suffering.
  • nagging β€” continually faultfinding, complaining, or petulant: a nagging parent.
  • niggling β€” petty; trivial; inconsequential: to quibble about a niggling difference in terminology.
  • quibbling β€” characterized by or consisting of quibbles; carping; niggling: quibbling debates.
  • whining β€” to utter a low, usually nasal, complaining cry or sound, as from uneasiness, discontent, peevishness, etc.: The puppies were whining from hunger.
  • censorious β€” If you describe someone as censorious, you do not like the way they strongly disapprove of and criticize someone else's behaviour.
  • critical β€” If a person is critical or in a critical condition in hospital, they are seriously ill.
  • deprecatory β€” expressing disapproval; protesting
  • fault-finding β€” the act of pointing out faults, especially faults of a petty nature; carping.
  • grouchy β€” sullenly discontented; sulky; morose; ill-tempered.
  • hypercritical β€” excessively or meticulously critical; overcritical.
  • nit-picking β€” to be excessively concerned with or critical of inconsequential details.
  • overcritical β€” excessively critical; hypercritical.
  • scathing β€” bitterly severe, as a remark: a scathing review of the play.
  • dissatisfied β€” not satisfied or pleased; discontented.
  • unhappy β€” sad; miserable; wretched: Why is she so unhappy?
  • blue β€” Something that is blue is the colour of the sky on a sunny day.
  • crabby β€” Someone who is crabby is bad-tempered and unpleasant to people.
  • disaffected β€” discontented and disloyal, as toward the government or toward authority.
  • disgruntled β€” displeased and discontented; sulky; peevish: Her disgruntled husband refused to join us.
  • displeased β€” to incur the dissatisfaction, dislike, or disapproval of; offend; annoy: His reply displeased the judge.
  • disquieted β€” lack of calm, peace, or ease; anxiety; uneasiness.
  • disturbed β€” marked by symptoms of mental illness: a disturbed personality.
  • exasperated β€” Simple past tense and past participle of exasperate.
  • fed up β€” simple past tense and past participle of feed.
  • fretful β€” disposed or quick to fret; irritable or peevish.
  • malcontent β€” not satisfied or content with currently prevailing conditions or circumstances.
  • miserable β€” wretchedly unhappy, uneasy, or uncomfortable: miserable victims of war.
  • perturbed β€” to disturb or disquiet greatly in mind; agitate.
  • picky β€” extremely fussy or finicky, usually over trifles.
  • restless β€” characterized by or showing inability to remain at rest: a restless mood.
  • ungratified β€” to give pleasure to (a person or persons) by satisfying desires or humoring inclinations or feelings: Her praise will gratify all who worked so hard to earn it.
  • upset β€” to overturn: to upset a pitcher of milk.
  • vexed β€” irritated; annoyed: vexed at the slow salesclerks.
  • annoyed β€” If you are annoyed, you are fairly angry about something.
  • irritated β€” angered, provoked, or annoyed.
  • testy β€” irritably impatient; touchy.
  • crabbing β€” Informal. an ill-tempered or grouchy person.
  • disappointed β€” depressed or discouraged by the failure of one's hopes or expectations: a disappointed suitor.
  • discontent β€” not content; dissatisfied; discontented.
  • discontented β€” not content; dissatisfied; discontented.
  • kicking β€” A punishment or assault in which the victim is kicked repeatedly.
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