
All look the other way synonyms

look the othΒ·er way
L l

verb look the other way

  • make allowance for β€” the act of allowing.
  • ignore β€” to refrain from noticing or recognizing: to ignore insulting remarks.
  • forget β€” to cease or fail to remember; be unable to recall: to forget someone's name.
  • forgive β€” to grant pardon for or remission of (an offense, debt, etc.); absolve.
  • wink at β€” to close and open one or both eyes quickly.
  • omit β€” to leave out; fail to include or mention: to omit a name from a list.
  • disobey β€” Fail to obey (rules, a command, or someone in authority).
  • neglect β€” to pay no attention or too little attention to; disregard or slight: The public neglected his genius for many years.
  • avoid β€” If you avoid something unpleasant that might happen, you take action in order to prevent it from happening.
  • reject β€” to refuse to have, take, recognize, etc.: to reject the offer of a better job.
  • discard β€” to cast aside or dispose of; get rid of: to discard an old hat.
  • bypass β€” If you bypass someone or something that you would normally have to get involved with, you ignore them, often because you want to achieve something more quickly.
  • buy β€” If you buy something, you obtain it by paying money for it.
  • okay β€” to put one's endorsement on or indicate one's approval of (a request, piece of copy, bank check, etc.); authorize; initial: Would you OK my application?
  • pardon β€” kind indulgence, as in forgiveness of an offense or discourtesy or in tolerance of a distraction or inconvenience: I beg your pardon, but which way is Spruce Street?
  • overlook β€” to fail to notice, perceive, or consider: to overlook a misspelled word.
  • remit β€” to transmit or send (money, a check, etc.) to a person or place, usually in payment.
  • disregard β€” to pay no attention to; leave out of consideration; ignore: Disregard the footnotes.
  • disparage β€” to speak of or treat slightingly; depreciate; belittle: Do not disparage good manners.
  • disdain β€” to look upon or treat with contempt; despise; scorn.
  • miss β€” to fail to hit or strike: to miss a target.
  • slight β€” small in amount, degree, etc.: a slight increase; a slight odor.
  • despise β€” If you despise something or someone, you dislike them and have a very low opinion of them.
  • contemn β€” to treat or regard with contempt; scorn
  • overpass β€” a road, pedestrian walkway, railroad, bridge, etc., crossing over some barrier, as another road or walkway.
  • discount β€” to deduct a certain amount from (a bill, charge, etc.): All bills that are paid promptly will be discounted at two percent.
  • snub β€” to treat with disdain or contempt, especially by ignoring.
  • fail β€” to fall short of success or achievement in something expected, attempted, desired, or approved: The experiment failed because of poor planning.
  • scorn β€” open or unqualified contempt; disdain: His face and attitude showed the scorn he felt.
  • pooh-pooh β€” to express disdain or contempt for; dismiss lightly: He pooh-poohed all their superstitious fears.
  • vilipend β€” to regard or treat as of little value or account.
  • cold-shoulder β€” to snub; show indifference to.
  • blink β€” When you blink or when you blink your eyes, you shut your eyes and very quickly open them again.
  • wink β€” to close and open one or both eyes quickly.
  • trifle β€” an article or thing of very little value.
  • defer β€” If you defer an event or action, you arrange for it to happen at a later date, rather than immediately or at the previously planned time.
  • skimp β€” to scrimp.
  • skip β€” to move in a light, springy manner by bounding forward with alternate hops on each foot.
  • dismiss β€” to direct (an assembly of persons) to disperse or go: I dismissed the class early.
  • procrastinate β€” to defer action; delay: to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost.
  • suspend β€” to hang by attachment to something above: to suspend a chandelier from the ceiling.
  • shirk β€” to evade (work, duty, responsibility, etc.).
  • postpone β€” to put off to a later time; defer: He has postponed his departure until tomorrow.
  • overleap β€” to leap over or across: to overleap a fence.
  • stomach β€” Anatomy, Zoology. a saclike enlargement of the alimentary canal, as in humans and certain animals, forming an organ for storing, diluting, and digesting food. such an organ or an analogous portion of the alimentary canal when divided into two or more sections or parts. any one of these sections.
  • whitewash β€” a composition, as of lime and water or of whiting, size, and water, used for whitening walls, woodwork, etc.
  • take β€” to get into one's hold or possession by voluntary action: to take a cigarette out of a box; to take a pen and begin to write.
  • handle β€” a part of a thing made specifically to be grasped or held by the hand.
  • condone β€” If someone condones behaviour that is morally wrong, they accept it and allow it to happen.
  • pass over β€” to move past; go by: to pass another car on the road.
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