
All madness synonyms

M m

noun madness

  • craziness — mentally deranged; demented; insane.
  • lunacy — insanity; mental disorder.
  • delusion — A delusion is a false idea.
  • foolishness — resulting from or showing a lack of sense; ill-considered; unwise: a foolish action, a foolish speech.
  • mental illness — any of the various forms of psychosis or severe neurosis.
  • stupidity — the state, quality, or fact of being stupid.
  • mania — an ancient Roman goddess of the dead.
  • absurdity — the quality or state of being absurd; nonsense
  • hysteria — an uncontrollable outburst of emotion or fear, often characterized by irrationality, laughter, weeping, etc.
  • psychopathy — a mental disorder in which an individual manifests amoral and antisocial behavior, lack of ability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships, extreme egocentricity, failure to learn from experience, etc.
  • phobia — a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it.
  • aberration — An aberration is an incident or way of behaving that is not typical.
  • neurosis — Also called psychoneurosis. a functional disorder in which feelings of anxiety, obsessional thoughts, compulsive acts, and physical complaints without objective evidence of disease, in various degrees and patterns, dominate the personality.
  • unbalance — to throw or put out of balance.
  • derangement — Derangement is the state of being mentally ill and unable to think or act in a controlled way.
  • delirium — If someone is suffering from delirium, they are not able to think or speak in a sensible and reasonable way because they are very ill and have a fever.
  • dementia — Dementia is a serious illness of the mind.
  • irrationality — the quality or condition of being irrational.
  • fanaticism — fanatical character, spirit, or conduct.
  • psychosis — a mental disorder characterized by symptoms, such as delusions or hallucinations, that indicate impaired contact with reality.
  • mental disorder — any of the various forms of psychosis or severe neurosis.
  • folly — the state or quality of being foolish; lack of understanding or sense.
  • foolhardiness — recklessly or thoughtlessly bold; foolishly rash or venturesome.
  • insanity — the condition of being insane; a derangement of the mind. Synonyms: dementia, lunacy, madness, craziness, mania, aberration.
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