
All nature synonyms

N n

noun nature

  • character β€” The character of a person or place consists of all the qualities they have that make them distinct from other people or places.
  • humor β€” hacker humour
  • description β€” You can say that something is beyond description, or that it defies description, to emphasize that it is very unusual, impressive, terrible, or extreme.
  • quality β€” an essential or distinctive characteristic, property, or attribute: the chemical qualities of alcohol.
  • personality β€” the visible aspect of one's character as it impresses others: He has a pleasing personality.
  • type β€” a number of things or persons sharing a particular characteristic, or set of characteristics, that causes them to be regarded as a group, more or less precisely defined or designated; class; category: a criminal of the most vicious type.
  • mood β€” Grammar. a set of categories for which the verb is inflected in many languages, and that is typically used to indicate the syntactic relation of the clause in which the verb occurs to other clauses in the sentence, or the attitude of the speaker toward what he or she is saying, as certainty or uncertainty, wish or command, emphasis or hesitancy. a set of syntactic devices in some languages that is similar to this set in function or meaning, involving the use of auxiliary words, as can, may, might. any of the categories of these sets: the Latin indicative, imperative, and subjunctive moods.
  • sort β€” a particular kind, species, variety, class, or group, distinguished by a common character or nature: to develop a new sort of painting; nice people, of course, but not really our sort.
  • style β€” a particular kind, sort, or type, as with reference to form, appearance, or character: the baroque style; The style of the house was too austere for their liking.
  • variety β€” the state of being varied or diversified: to give variety to a diet.
  • character β€” The character of a person or place consists of all the qualities they have that make them distinct from other people or places.
  • way β€” manner, mode, or fashion: a new way of looking at a matter; to reply in a polite way.
  • structure β€” mode of building, construction, or organization; arrangement of parts, elements, or constituents: a pyramidal structure.
  • world β€” the earth or globe, considered as a planet.
  • landscape β€” a section or expanse of rural scenery, usually extensive, that can be seen from a single viewpoint.
  • view β€” an instance of seeing or beholding; visual inspection.
  • constitution β€” The constitution of a country or organization is the system of laws which formally states people's rights and duties.
  • heart β€” Anatomy. a hollow, pumplike organ of blood circulation, composed mainly of rhythmically contractile smooth muscle, located in the chest between the lungs and slightly to the left and consisting of four chambers: a right atrium that receives blood returning from the body via the superior and inferior vena cavae, a right ventricle that pumps the blood through the pulmonary artery to the lungs for oxygenation, a left atrium that receives the oxygenated blood via the pulmonary veins and passes it through the mitral valve, and a left ventricle that pumps the oxygenated blood, via the aorta, throughout the body.
  • individuality β€” the particular character, or aggregate of qualities, that distinguishes one person or thing from others; sole and personal nature: a person of marked individuality.
  • like β€” in like manner with; similarly to; in the manner characteristic of: He works like a beaver.
  • point β€” a fraction whose denominator is some power of 10, usually indicated by a dot (decimal point or point) written before the numerator: as 0.4 = 4/10; 0.126 = 126/1000.
  • being β€” Being is the present participle of be1.
  • makeup β€” facial cosmetics, as eye shadow or lipstick.
  • drift β€” a driving movement or force; impulse; impetus; pressure.
  • outlook β€” the view or prospect from a particular place.
  • texture β€” the visual and especially tactile quality of a surface: rough texture.
  • meat β€” the flesh of animals as used for food.
  • stuff β€” the material of which anything is made: a hard, crystalline stuff.
  • complexion β€” When you refer to someone's complexion, you are referring to the natural colour or condition of the skin on their face.
  • features β€” a prominent or conspicuous part or characteristic: Tall buildings were a new feature on the skyline.
  • temperament β€” the combination of mental, physical, and emotional traits of a person; natural predisposition.
  • score β€” the record of points or strokes made by the competitors in a game or match.
  • temper β€” a particular state of mind or feelings.
  • individualism β€” a social theory advocating the liberty, rights, or independent action of the individual.
  • attributes β€” to regard as resulting from a specified cause; consider as caused by something indicated (usually followed by to): She attributed his bad temper to ill health.
  • category β€” If people or things are divided into categories, they are divided into groups in such a way that the members of each group are similar to each other in some way.
  • figure β€” a numerical symbol, especially an Arabic numeral.
  • cast β€” The cast of a play or film is all the people who act in it.
  • color β€” the sensation resulting from stimulation of the retina of the eye by light waves of certain lengths
  • brand β€” If someone is branded as something bad, people think they are that thing.
  • ilk β€” family, class, or kind: he and all his ilk.
  • conformation β€” the general shape or outline of an object; configuration
  • anatomy β€” Anatomy is the study of the structure of the bodies of people or animals.
  • framework β€” a skeletal structure designed to support or enclose something.
  • shape β€” Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe.
  • stripe β€” a stroke with a whip, rod, etc., as in punishment.
  • species β€” a class of individuals having some common characteristics or qualities; distinct sort or kind.
  • scenery β€” the general appearance of a place; the aggregate of features that give character to a landscape.
  • generation β€” the entire body of individuals born and living at about the same time: the postwar generation.
  • universe β€” the totality of known or supposed objects and phenomena throughout space; the cosmos; macrocosm.
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