
All nears synonyms

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verb nears

  • approximate β€” An approximate number, time, or position is close to the correct number, time, or position, but is not exact.
  • advance β€” To advance means to move forward, often in order to attack someone.
  • oppose β€” to act against or provide resistance to; combat.
  • reach β€” to get to or get as far as in moving, going, traveling, etc.: The boat reached the shore.
  • surround β€” to enclose on all sides; encompass: She was surrounded by reporters.
  • near β€” close; to a point or place not far away: Come near so I won't have to shout.
  • contact β€” Contact involves meeting or communicating with someone, especially regularly.
  • threaten β€” to utter a threat against; menace: He threatened the boy with a beating.
  • meet β€” greatest lower bound
  • come β€” When a person or thing comes to a particular place, especially to a place where you are, they move there.
  • match β€” a person or thing that equals or resembles another in some respect.
  • abut β€” When land or a building abuts something or abuts on something, it is next to it.
  • adjoin β€” If one room, place, or object adjoins another, they are next to each other.
  • materialize β€” to come into perceptible existence; appear; become actual or real; be realized or carried out: Our plans never materialized.
  • hit β€” to deal a blow or stroke to: Hit the nail with the hammer.
  • appear β€” If you say that something appears to be the way you describe it, you are reporting what you believe or what you have been told, though you cannot be sure it is true.
  • get β€” to receive or come to have possession, use, or enjoyment of: to get a birthday present; to get a pension.
  • move β€” to pass from one place or position to another.
  • show up β€” to cause or allow to be seen; exhibit; display.
  • show β€” to cause or allow to be seen; exhibit; display.
  • become β€” If someone or something becomes a particular thing, they start to change and develop into that thing, or start to develop the characteristics mentioned.
  • happen β€” to take place; come to pass; occur: Something interesting is always happening in New York.
  • arrive β€” When a person or vehicle arrives at a place, they come to it at the end of a journey.
  • occur β€” to happen; take place; come to pass: When did the accident occur?
  • fly β€” to move through the air using wings.
  • retire β€” a movement in which the dancer brings one foot to the knee of the supporting leg and then returns it to the fifth position.
  • travel β€” to go from one place to another, as by car, train, plane, or ship; take a trip; journey: to travel for pleasure.
  • leave β€” to go out of or away from, as a place: to leave the house.
  • pass β€” to move past; go by: to pass another car on the road.
  • flee β€” to run away, as from danger or pursuers; take flight.
  • hover β€” to hang fluttering or suspended in the air: The helicopter hovered over the building.
  • stand out β€” something or someone, as a person, performance, etc., remarkably superior to others: Evans was a standout in the mixed doubles.
  • overshadow β€” to be more important or significant by comparison: For years he overshadowed his brother.
  • mount β€” to go up; climb; ascend: to mount stairs.
  • come on β€” You say 'Come on' to someone to encourage them to do something they do not much want to do.
  • portend β€” to indicate in advance; to foreshadow or presage, as an omen does: The street incident may portend a general uprising.
  • brew β€” If you brew tea or coffee, you make it by pouring hot water over tea leaves or ground coffee.
  • dominate β€” to rule over; govern; control.
  • soar β€” to fly upward, as a bird.
  • advance β€” To advance means to move forward, often in order to attack someone.
  • approximate β€” An approximate number, time, or position is close to the correct number, time, or position, but is not exact.
  • resemble β€” to be like or similar to.
  • impend β€” to be imminent; be about to happen.
  • bear β€” If you bear something somewhere, you carry it there or take it there.
  • converge β€” If people or vehicles converge on a place, they move towards it from different directions.
  • buzz β€” If something buzzes or buzzes somewhere, it makes a long continuous sound, like the noise a bee makes when it is flying.
  • progress β€” a movement toward a goal or to a further or higher stage: the progress of a student toward a degree.
  • border β€” The border between two countries or regions is the dividing line between them. Sometimes the border also refers to the land close to this line.
  • touch β€” to put the hand, finger, etc., on or into contact with (something) to feel it: He touched the iron cautiously.
  • approach β€” When you approach something, you get closer to it.
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