
All nitwitted synonyms

N n

adjective nitwitted

  • oblivious β€” unmindful; unconscious; unaware (usually followed by of or to): She was oblivious of his admiration.
  • foolish β€” resulting from or showing a lack of sense; ill-considered; unwise: a foolish action, a foolish speech.
  • gratuitous β€” given, done, bestowed, or obtained without charge or payment; free; voluntary.
  • senseless β€” destitute or deprived of sensation; unconscious.
  • silly β€” weak-minded or lacking good sense; stupid or foolish: a silly writer.
  • thoughtless β€” lacking in consideration for others; inconsiderate; tactless: a thoughtless remark.
  • forgetful β€” apt to forget; that forgets: a forgetful person.
  • unmindful β€” not mindful; unaware; heedless; forgetful; careless; neglectful: unmindful of obligations.
  • asinine β€” If you describe something or someone as asinine, you mean that they are very foolish.
  • brutish β€” If you describe a person or their behaviour as brutish, you think that they are brutal and uncivilised.
  • careless β€” If you are careless, you do not pay enough attention to what you are doing, and so you make mistakes, or cause harm or damage.
  • daydreaming β€” indulgence in daydreams
  • heedless β€” careless; thoughtless; unmindful: Heedless of the danger, he returned to the burning building to save his dog.
  • idiotic β€” of, relating to, or characteristic of an idiot.
  • imbecilic β€” of, relating to, or characteristic of an imbecile.
  • inattentive β€” not attentive; negligent.
  • mooning β€” the earth's natural satellite, orbiting the earth at a mean distance of 238,857 miles (384,393 km) and having a diameter of 2160 miles (3476 km).
  • moony β€” dreamy, listless, or silly.
  • moronic β€” Informal. a person who is notably stupid or lacking in good judgment: I wonder why they elected that narrow-minded moron to Congress.
  • neglectful β€” characterized by neglect; disregardful; careless; negligent (often followed by of): neglectful of one's health.
  • negligent β€” guilty of or characterized by neglect, as of duty: negligent officials.
  • obtuse β€” not quick or alert in perception, feeling, or intellect; not sensitive or observant; dull.
  • out β€” away from, or not in, the normal or usual place, position, state, etc.: out of alphabetical order; to go out to dinner.
  • out of it β€” away from, or not in, the normal or usual place, position, state, etc.: out of alphabetical order; to go out to dinner.
  • rash β€” acting or tending to act too hastily or without due consideration.
  • simple β€” easy to understand, deal with, use, etc.: a simple matter; simple tools.
  • spaced-out β€” dazed or stupefied because of the influence of narcotic drugs.
  • unaware β€” not aware or conscious; unconscious: to be unaware of any change.
  • unintelligent β€” deficient in intelligence; dull; stupid.
  • unthinking β€” thoughtless; heedless; inconsiderate: an unthinking, tactless person.
  • witless β€” lacking wit or intelligence; stupid; foolish.
  • absurd β€” If you say that something is absurd, you are criticizing it because you think that it is ridiculous or that it does not make sense.
  • giddy β€” affected with vertigo; dizzy.
  • childish β€” Childish means relating to or typical of a child.
  • crazy β€” If you describe someone or something as crazy, you think they are very foolish or strange.
  • frivolous β€” characterized by lack of seriousness or sense: frivolous conduct.
  • inappropriate β€” not appropriate; not proper or suitable: an inappropriate dress for the occasion.
  • irresponsible β€” said, done, or characterized by a lack of a sense of responsibility: His refusal to work shows him to be completely irresponsible.
  • ludicrous β€” causing laughter because of absurdity; provoking or deserving derision; ridiculous; laughable: a ludicrous lack of efficiency.
  • nonsensical β€” (of words or language) having little or no meaning; making little or no sense: A baby's babbling is appealingly nonsensical.
  • pointless β€” without a point: a pointless pen.
  • preposterous β€” completely contrary to nature, reason, or common sense; absurd; senseless; utterly foolish: a preposterous tale.
  • ridiculous β€” causing or worthy of ridicule or derision; absurd; preposterous; laughable: a ridiculous plan.
  • stupid β€” lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind; dull.
  • empty β€” A container (esp. a bottle or glass) left empty of its contents.
  • irrational β€” without the faculty of reason; deprived of reason.
  • balmy β€” Balmy weather is fairly warm and pleasant.
  • brainless β€” If you describe someone or something as brainless, you mean that you think they are stupid.
  • dippy β€” somewhat mad or foolish: dippy with love.
  • dizzy β€” having a sensation of whirling and a tendency to fall; giddy; vertiginous.
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