
All open synonyms

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adj open

  • undecided β€” not decided or determined.
  • visible β€” that can be seen; perceptible to the eye: mountains visible in the distance.
  • fair β€” free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice: a fair decision; a fair judge.
  • impartial β€” not partial or biased; fair; just: an impartial judge.
  • sincere β€” free of deceit, hypocrisy, or falseness; earnest: a sincere apology.
  • transparent β€” having the property of transmitting rays of light through its substance so that bodies situated beyond or behind can be distinctly seen.
  • candid β€” When you are candid about something or with someone, you speak honestly.
  • receptive β€” having the quality of receiving, taking in, or admitting.
  • accessible β€” If a place or building is accessible to people, it is easy for them to reach it or get into it. If an object is accessible, it is easy to reach.
  • wide β€” having considerable or great extent from side to side; broad: a wide boulevard.
  • clear β€” Something that is clear is easy to understand, see, or hear.
  • free β€” enjoying personal rights or liberty, as a person who is not in slavery: a land of free people.
  • susceptible β€” admitting or capable of some specified treatment: susceptible of a high polish; susceptible to various interpretations.
  • available β€” If something you want or need is available, you can find it or obtain it.
  • vacant β€” having no contents; empty; void: a vacant niche.
  • appropriate β€” Something that is appropriate is suitable or acceptable for a particular situation.
  • suitable β€” such as to suit; appropriate; fitting; becoming.
  • public β€” of, relating to, or affecting a population or a community as a whole: public funds; a public nuisance.
  • frank β€” direct and unreserved in speech; straightforward; sincere: Her criticism of my work was frank but absolutely fair.
  • avowed β€” If you are an avowed supporter or opponent of something, you have declared that you support it or oppose it.
  • manifest β€” readily perceived by the eye or the understanding; evident; obvious; apparent; plain: a manifest error.
  • overt β€” open to view or knowledge; not concealed or secret: overt hostility.
  • plain β€” clear or distinct to the eye or ear: a plain trail to the river; to stand in plain view.
  • unsettled β€” not settled; not fixed or stable; without established order; unorganized; disorganized: an unsettled social order; still unsettled in their new home.
  • moot β€” open to discussion or debate; debatable; doubtful: Whether that was the cause of their troubles is a moot point.
  • natural β€” existing in or formed by nature (opposed to artificial): a natural bridge.
  • innocent β€” free from moral wrong; without sin; pure: innocent children.
  • objective β€” something that one's efforts or actions are intended to attain or accomplish; purpose; goal; target: the objective of a military attack; the objective of a fund-raising drive.
  • mellow β€” soft, sweet, and full-flavored from ripeness, as fruit.
  • stripped β€” having had a covering, clothing, equipment, or furnishings removed: trees stripped of their leaves by the storm; a stripped bed ready for clean sheets.
  • bare β€” If a part of your body is bare, it is not covered by any clothing.
  • rent β€” an opening made by rending or tearing; slit; fissure.
  • removed β€” remote; separate; not connected with; distinct from.
  • unblocked β€” to obstruct (someone or something) by placing obstacles in the way (sometimes followed by up): to block one's exit; to block up a passage.
  • unlocked β€” to undo the lock of (a door, chest, etc.), especially with a key.
  • patent β€” the exclusive right granted by a government to an inventor to manufacture, use, or sell an invention for a certain number of years.
  • gaping β€” to stare with open mouth, as in wonder.
  • agape β€” If you describe someone as having their mouth agape, their mouth is open very wide, often because they are very surprised by something.
  • rolling β€” a document of paper, parchment, or the like, that is or may be rolled up, as for storing; scroll.
  • uncovered β€” having no cover or covering.
  • unbarred β€” not provided or fastened with a bar or bars: an unbarred door.
  • unplugged β€” to remove a plug or stopper from.
  • yawning β€” being or standing wide open; gaping: the yawning mouth of a cave.
  • uncluttered β€” to fill or litter with things in a disorderly manner: All kinds of papers cluttered the top of his desk.
  • vacated β€” to give up possession or occupancy of: to vacate an apartment.
  • unfurled β€” to spread or shake out from a furled state, as a sail or a flag; unfold.
  • revealed β€” to make known; disclose; divulge: to reveal a secret.
  • unbolted β€” not sifted, as grain.
  • unsealed β€” not sealed; not stamped or marked with a seal: unsealed cargo.
  • welcoming β€” a kindly greeting or reception, as to one whose arrival gives pleasure: to give someone a warm welcome.
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