
All outcast synonyms

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noun outcast

  • untouchable β€” that may not be touched; of a nature such that it cannot be touched; not palpable; intangible.
  • exile β€” The state of being barred from one's native country, typically for political or punitive reasons.
  • outsider β€” a person not belonging to a particular group, set, party, etc.: Society often regards the artist as an outsider.
  • pariah β€” an outcast.
  • recluse β€” a person who lives in seclusion or apart from society, often for religious meditation.
  • castaway β€” A castaway is a person who has managed to swim or float to a lonely island or shore after their boat has sunk.
  • leper β€” a person who has leprosy.
  • fugitive β€” a person who is fleeing, from prosecution, intolerable circumstances, etc.; a runaway: a fugitive from justice; a fugitive from a dictatorial regime.
  • vagabond β€” wandering from place to place without any settled home; nomadic: a vagabond tribe.
  • bum β€” Someone's bum is the part of their body which they sit on.
  • deportee β€” A deportee is someone who is being deported.
  • derelict β€” A place or building that is derelict is empty and in a bad state of repair because it has not been used or lived in for a long time.
  • expatriate β€” A person who lives outside their native country.
  • gypsy β€” a member of a nomadic, Caucasoid people of generally swarthy complexion, who migrated originally from India, settling in various parts of Asia, Europe, and, most recently, North America.
  • hobo β€” a tramp or vagrant.
  • rascal β€” a base, dishonest, or unscrupulous person.
  • refugee β€” a person who flees for refuge or safety, especially to a foreign country, as in time of political upheaval, war, etc.
  • reprobate β€” a depraved, unprincipled, or wicked person: a drunken reprobate.
  • tramp β€” to tread or walk with a firm, heavy, resounding step.
  • vagrant β€” a person who wanders about idly and has no permanent home or employment; vagabond; tramp.
  • wretch β€” a deplorably unfortunate or unhappy person.
  • displaced person β€” a person driven or expelled from his or her homeland by war, famine, tyranny, etc. Abbreviation: DP, D.P.
  • persona non grata β€” a person who is not welcome: He has become persona non grata in our club since his angry outburst.

adjective outcast

  • contemptible β€” If you feel that someone or something is contemptible, you feel strong dislike and disrespect for them.
  • abandoned β€” An abandoned place or building is no longer used or occupied.
  • undesirable β€” not desirable or attractive; objectionable: undesirable qualities.
  • forsaken β€” past participle of forsake.
  • beggared β€” a person who begs alms or lives by begging.
  • homeless β€” without a home: a homeless child.
  • moneyless β€” any circulating medium of exchange, including coins, paper money, and demand deposits.
  • unlikable β€” readily or easily liked; pleasing: a likable young man.
  • scummy β€” consisting of or having scum.
  • heeler β€” a person who heels shoes.
  • pleasing β€” giving pleasure; agreeable; gratifying: a pleasing performance.
  • lowdown β€” the real and unadorned facts; the true, secret, or inside information (usually preceded by the): We gave them the lowdown on the new housing project.
  • swinish β€” like or befitting swine; hoggish.
  • on the skids β€” a plank, bar, log, or the like, especially one of a pair, on which something heavy may be slid or rolled along.
  • down-and-out β€” without any money, or means of support, or prospects; destitute; penniless.
  • abject β€” You use abject to emphasize that a situation or quality is extremely bad.
  • lorn β€” forsaken, desolate, bereft, or forlorn.
  • down and out β€” downward; going or directed downward: the down escalator.
  • on the rocks β€” a large mass of stone forming a hill, cliff, promontory, or the like.
  • befriend β€” If you befriend someone, especially someone who is lonely or far from home, you make friends with them.
  • currish β€” of or like a cur; rude or bad-tempered
  • houseless β€” without a house or houses.
  • cast away β€” to throw or hurl; fling: The gambler cast the dice.
  • despisable β€” deserving of being despised; despicable
  • troglodytic β€” a prehistoric cave dweller.
  • unsocial β€” relating to, devoted to, or characterized by friendly companionship or relations: a social club.
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