
All overdraft synonyms

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noun overdraft

  • default — If a person, company, or country defaults on something that they have legally agreed to do, such as paying some money or doing a piece of work before a particular time, they fail to do it.
  • disaster — a calamitous event, especially one occurring suddenly and causing great loss of life, damage, or hardship, as a flood, airplane crash, or business failure.
  • failure — an act or instance of failing or proving unsuccessful; lack of success: His effort ended in failure. The campaign was a failure.
  • insolvency — the condition of being insolvent; bankruptcy.
  • liquidation — the process of realizing upon assets and of discharging liabilities in concluding the affairs of a business, estate, etc.
  • loss — detriment, disadvantage, or deprivation from failure to keep, have, or get: to bear the loss of a robbery.
  • defalcation — the amount embezzled
  • destitution — Destitution is the state of having no money or possessions.
  • exhaustion — A state of extreme physical or mental fatigue.
  • indebtedness — the state of being indebted.
  • indigence — seriously impoverished condition; poverty.
  • lack — something missing or needed: After he left, they really felt the lack.
  • nonpayment — failure or neglect to pay: His property was confiscated for nonpayment of taxes.
  • pauperism — the state or condition of utter poverty.
  • privation — lack of the usual comforts or necessaries of life: His life of privation began to affect his health.
  • repudiation — the act of repudiating.
  • ruinruins, the remains of a building, city, etc., that has been destroyed or that is in disrepair or a state of decay: We visited the ruins of ancient Greece.
  • ruination — the act or state of ruining or the state of being ruined.
  • chapter 11 — the statute regarding the reorganization of a failing business empowering a court to allow the debtors to remain in control of the business to attempt to save it
  • destituteness — The state or quality of being destitute.
  • od — a hypothetical force formerly held to pervade all nature and to manifest itself in magnetism, mesmerism, chemical action, etc.
  • forgery — the crime of falsely making or altering a writing by which the legal rights or obligations of another person are apparently affected; simulated signing of another person's name to any such writing whether or not it is also the forger's name.
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