
All prod synonyms

P p

verb prod

  • be-thought β€” simple past tense and past participle of bethink.
  • goad β€” a stick with a pointed or electrically charged end, for driving cattle, oxen, etc.; prod.
  • lean on β€” to incline or bend from a vertical position: She leaned out the window.
  • horning β€” one of the bony, permanent, hollow paired growths, often curved and pointed, that project from the upper part of the head of certain ungulate mammals, as cattle, sheep, goats, or antelopes.
  • abet β€” If one person abets another, they help or encourage them to do something criminal or wrong. Abet is often used in the legal expression 'aid and abet'.
  • innervated β€” to communicate nervous energy to; stimulate through nerves.
  • whacking β€” large.
  • give rise to β€” to get up from a lying, sitting, or kneeling posture; assume an upright position: She rose and walked over to greet me. With great effort he rose to his knees.
  • find fault β€” a defect or imperfection; flaw; failing: a fault in the brakes; a fault in one's character.
  • give a hard time β€” a period of difficulties or hardship.
  • curdling β€” Present participle of curdle.
  • jollying β€” Present participle of jolly.
  • egging β€” the roundish reproductive body produced by the female of certain animals, as birds and most reptiles, consisting of an ovum and its envelope of albumen, jelly, membranes, egg case, or shell, according to species.
  • act upon β€” anything done, being done, or to be done; deed; performance: a heroic act.
  • give chase β€” to pursue in order to seize, overtake, etc.: The police officer chased the thief.
  • fire up β€” start ignition of
  • egg on β€” to incite or urge; encourage (usually followed by on).
  • in flames β€” to kindle or excite (passions, desires, etc.).
  • dragoons β€” Plural form of dragoon.
  • come to β€” When someone who is unconscious comes to, they recover consciousness.
  • nag β€” to annoy by persistent faultfinding, complaints, or demands.
  • key up β€” a small metal instrument specially cut to fit into a lock and move its bolt.
  • fussing β€” an excessive display of anxious attention or activity; needless or useless bustle: They made a fuss over the new baby.
  • juiced β€” intoxicated from alcohol; drunk: When arrested he was definitely juiced.
  • look-see β€” a visual inspection or survey; look; examination: have a look-see.
  • feel out β€” to perceive or examine by touch.
  • dragoon β€” (especially formerly) a European cavalryman of a heavily armed troop.
  • innervates β€” to communicate nervous energy to; stimulate through nerves.
  • look see β€” a visual inspection or survey; look; examination: have a look-see.
  • jog β€” to move or shake with a push or jerk: The horseman jogged the reins lightly.
  • humped β€” having a hump.

noun prod

  • impulsion β€” the act of impelling, driving onward, or pushing.
  • cue β€” In the theatre or in a musical performance, a performer's cue is something another performer says or does that is a signal for them to begin speaking, playing, or doing something.
  • lollop β€” British Dialect. to loll; lounge.
  • mnemonic β€” assisting or intended to assist the memory.
  • mover β€” a person or thing that moves.
  • in the wind β€” air in natural motion, as that moving horizontally at any velocity along the earth's surface: A gentle wind blew through the valley. High winds were forecast.
  • horsewhip β€” a whip for controlling horses.
  • birch β€” A birch or a birch tree is a type of tall tree with thin branches.
  • cat-o'-nine-tails β€” a rope whip consisting of nine knotted thongs, used formerly to flog prisoners
  • mnemonics β€” something intended to assist the memory, as a verse or formula.
  • motivator β€” to provide with a motive, or a cause or reason to act; incite; impel.
  • gadfly β€” any of various flies, as a stable fly or warble fly, that bite or annoy domestic animals.
  • jab β€” a poke with the end or point of something; a sharp, quick thrust.
  • whip β€” to beat with a strap, lash, rod, or the like, especially by way of punishment or chastisement; flog; thrash: Criminals used to be whipped for minor offenses.
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