
All promote synonyms

P p

verb promote

  • hyped β€” to stimulate, excite, or agitate (usually followed by up): She was hyped up at the thought of owning her own car.
  • lift β€” to move or bring (something) upward from the ground or other support to a higher position; hoist.
  • caballing β€” a small group of secret plotters, as against a government or person in authority.
  • misspoke β€” Simple past form of misspeak.
  • attain β€” If you attain something, you gain it or achieve it, often after a lot of effort.
  • cover up β€” If you cover something or someone up, you put something over them in order to protect or hide them.
  • go places β€” a particular portion of space, whether of definite or indefinite extent.
  • get in with β€” start to associate with
  • foment β€” to instigate or foster (discord, rebellion, etc.); promote the growth or development of: to foment trouble; to foment discontent.
  • improve β€” to bring into a more desirable or excellent condition: He took vitamins to improve his health.
  • gain β€” to make a gain or gains in.
  • cut along β€” to hurry off
  • burgle β€” If a building is burgled, a thief enters it by force and steals things.
  • anaesthetised β€” anesthetize.
  • civilise β€” To educate or enlighten a person or people to a perceived higher standard of behaviour.
  • float β€” to rest or remain on the surface of a liquid; be buoyant: The hollow ball floated.
  • innervates β€” to communicate nervous energy to; stimulate through nerves.
  • give a leg up β€” to help to mount
  • bestir β€” to cause (oneself, or, rarely, another person) to become active; rouse
  • misinstruct β€” To instruct badly or wrongly.
  • forward β€” toward or at a place, point, or time in advance; onward; ahead: to move forward; from this day forward; to look forward.
  • collogue β€” to confer confidentially; intrigue or conspire
  • misspoken β€” Simple past tense and past participle of misspeak.
  • haloed β€” Also called nimbus. a geometric shape, usually in the form of a disk, circle, ring, or rayed structure, traditionally representing a radiant light around or above the head of a divine or sacred personage, an ancient or medieval monarch, etc.
  • incite β€” to stir, encourage, or urge on; stimulate or prompt to action: to incite a crowd to riot.
  • avail oneself of β€” to make use of to one's advantage
  • champion β€” A champion is someone who has won the first prize in a competition, contest, or fight.
  • hand-walk β€” to carry (a memorandum, check, or other document) from one person or office to another so as to assure prompt delivery.
  • congressing β€” (initial capital letter) the national legislative body of the U.S., consisting of the Senate, or upper house, and the House of Representatives, or lower house, as a continuous institution. this body as it exists for a period of two years during which it has the same membership: the Ninety-Seventh Congress. a session of this body: to speak in Congress.
  • headline β€” a heading in a newspaper for any written material, sometimes for an illustration, to indicate subject matter, set in larger type than that of the copy and containing one or more words and lines and often several banks.
  • fund β€” a supply of money or pecuniary resources, as for some purpose: a fund for his education; a retirement fund.
  • elevate β€” Raise or lift (something) up to a higher position.
  • draw in β€” to cause to move in a particular direction by or as if by a pulling force; pull; drag (often followed by along, away, in, out, or off).
  • clean up β€” If you clean up a mess or clean up a place where there is a mess, you make things tidy and free of dirt again.
  • go along with β€” permit, consent to
  • fire up β€” start ignition of
  • civilize β€” To civilize a person or society means to educate them and improve their way of life.
  • confederated β€” Simple past tense and past participle of confederate.
  • haloing β€” Also called nimbus. a geometric shape, usually in the form of a disk, circle, ring, or rayed structure, traditionally representing a radiant light around or above the head of a divine or sacred personage, an ancient or medieval monarch, etc.
  • make ready β€” the state or condition of being ready.
  • advertise β€” If someone or something advertises a particular quality, they show it in their appearance or behaviour.
  • come to terms β€” to reach acceptance or agreement
  • key up β€” a small metal instrument specially cut to fit into a lock and move its bolt.
  • innerving β€” Present participle of innerve.
  • fib β€” a small or trivial lie; minor falsehood.
  • dignify β€” to confer honor or dignity upon; honor; ennoble.
  • anesthetized β€” to render physically insensible, as by an anesthetic.

noun promote

  • geese β€” a plural of goose.
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