
All proverb synonyms

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noun proverb

  • word — Microsoft Word
  • axiom — An axiom is a statement or idea which people accept as being true.
  • counterword — a word widely used in a sense much looser than its original meaning, such as tremendous or awful
  • moral — of, relating to, or concerned with the principles or rules of right conduct or the distinction between right and wrong; ethical: moral attitudes.
  • chestnut — A chestnut or chestnut tree is a tall tree with broad leaves.
  • moralism — the habit of moralizing.
  • counter word — any word freely used as a general term of approval or disapproval without reference to its more exact meaning, as nice, terrible, lousy, terrific
  • apophthegm — a short cryptic remark containing some general or generally accepted truth; maxim
  • aphorism — An aphorism is a short witty sentence which expresses a general truth or comment.
  • by-word — a word or phrase associated with some person or thing; a characteristic expression, typical greeting, or the like.
  • counter-word — a word, often of short-lived popularity, widely used as an almost meaningless, automatic response.
  • byword — Someone or something that is a byword for a particular quality is well known for having that quality.
  • motto — a maxim adopted as an expression of the guiding principle of a person, organization, city, etc.
  • communique — A communiqué is an official statement or announcement.
  • maximHiram Percy, 1869–1936, U.S. inventor.
  • daffodil — A daffodil is a yellow spring flower with a central part shaped like a tube and a long stem.
  • hokum — out-and-out nonsense; bunkum.
  • corn — Corn is used to refer to crops such as wheat and barley. It can also be used to refer to the seeds from these plants.
  • apothegm — a short, pithy saying (Ex.: “Brevity is the soul of wit”)
  • adage — An adage is something which people often say and which expresses a general truth about some aspect of life.
  • cliche — A cliché is an idea or phrase which has been used so much that it is no longer interesting or effective or no longer has much meaning.
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