
All quantification synonyms

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noun quantification

  • calculation β€” A calculation is something that you think about and work out mathematically. Calculation is the process of working something out mathematically.
  • amount β€” The amount of something is how much there is, or how much you have, need, or get.
  • analysis β€” Analysis is the process of considering something carefully or using statistical methods in order to understand it or explain it.
  • appraisal β€” If you make an appraisal of something, you consider it carefully and form an opinion about it.
  • assessment β€” An assessment is a consideration of someone or something and a judgment about them.
  • density β€” Density is the extent to which something is filled or covered with people or things.
  • dimension β€” Mathematics. a property of space; extension in a given direction: A straight line has one dimension, a parallelogram has two dimensions, and a parallelepiped has three dimensions. the generalization of this property to spaces with curvilinear extension, as the surface of a sphere. the generalization of this property to vector spaces and to Hilbert space. the generalization of this property to fractals, which can have dimensions that are noninteger real numbers. extension in time: Space-time has three dimensions of space and one of time.
  • evaluation β€” The making of a judgment about the amount, number, or value of something; assessment.
  • frequency β€” Also, frequence. the state or fact of being frequent; frequent occurrence: We are alarmed by the frequency of fires in the neighborhood.
  • height β€” extent or distance upward: The balloon stopped rising at a height of 500 feet.
  • measure β€” a unit or standard of measurement: weights and measures.
  • size β€” any of various gelatinous or glutinous preparations made from glue, starch, etc., used for filling the pores of cloth, paper, etc., or as an adhesive ground for gold leaf on books.
  • survey β€” to take a general or comprehensive view of or appraise, as a situation, area of study, etc.
  • weight β€” the amount or quantity of heaviness or mass; amount a thing weighs.
  • altitude β€” If something is at a particular altitude, it is at that height above sea level.
  • amplitude β€” In physics, the amplitude of a sound wave or electrical signal is its strength.
  • area β€” An area is a particular part of a town, a country, a region, or the world.
  • calibration β€” to determine, check, or rectify the graduation of (any instrument giving quantitative measurements).
  • capacity β€” The capacity of a container is its volume, or the amount of liquid it can hold, measured in units such as litres or gallons.
  • computation β€” Computation is mathematical calculation.
  • degree β€” You use degree to indicate the extent to which something happens or is the case, or the amount which something is felt.
  • depth β€” The depth of something such as a river or hole is the distance downwards from its top surface, or between its upper and lower surfaces.
  • determination β€” Determination is the quality that you show when you have decided to do something and you will not let anything stop you.
  • distance β€” the extent or amount of space between two things, points, lines, etc.
  • estimation β€” A rough calculation of the value, number, quantity, or extent of something.
  • extent β€” The area covered by something.
  • judgment β€” an act or instance of judging.
  • length β€” the longest extent of anything as measured from end to end: the length of a river.
  • magnitude β€” size; extent; dimensions: to determine the magnitude of an angle.
  • mass β€” the celebration of the Eucharist. Compare High Mass, Low Mass.
  • mensuration β€” the branch of geometry that deals with the measurement of length, area, or volume.
  • pitch β€” to smear or cover with pitch.
  • quantity β€” a particular or indefinite amount of anything: a small quantity of milk; the ocean's vast quantity of fish.
  • range β€” the extent to which or the limits between which variation is possible: the range of steel prices; a wide range of styles.
  • reach β€” to get to or get as far as in moving, going, traveling, etc.: The boat reached the shore.
  • scope β€” extent or range of view, outlook, application, operation, effectiveness, etc.: an investigation of wide scope.
  • thickness β€” the state or quality of being thick.
  • time β€” the system of those sequential relations that any event has to any other, as past, present, or future; indefinite and continuous duration regarded as that in which events succeed one another.
  • valuation β€” the act of estimating or setting the value of something; appraisal.
  • volume β€” a collection of written or printed sheets bound together and constituting a book.
  • width β€” extent from side to side; breadth; wideness.
  • metage β€” the official measurement of contents or weight.
  • measurement β€” the act of measuring.
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