
All quiddity synonyms

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noun quiddity

  • nitty-gritty β€” the essential substance or details of a matter; basics; crux: Let's skip the chitchat and get down to the nitty-gritty.
  • nub β€” the point, gist, or heart of something.
  • nucleus β€” a central part about which other parts are grouped or gathered; core: A few faithful friends formed the nucleus of the club.
  • pith β€” Botany. the soft, spongy central cylinder of parenchymatous tissue in the stems of dicotyledonous plants.
  • point β€” a fraction whose denominator is some power of 10, usually indicated by a dot (decimal point or point) written before the numerator: as 0.4 = 4/10; 0.126 = 126/1000.
  • property β€” that which a person owns; the possession or possessions of a particular owner: They lost all their property in the fire.
  • stuff β€” the material of which anything is made: a hard, crystalline stuff.
  • timber β€” the wood of growing trees suitable for structural uses.
  • vein β€” one of the system of branching vessels or tubes conveying blood from various parts of the body to the heart.
  • be-all and end-all β€” the ultimate aim or justification
  • main idea β€” the most important or central thought of a paragraph or larger section of text, which tells the reader what the text is about: Find the main idea in each paragraph.
  • virtuality β€” being such in power, force, or effect, though not actually or expressly such: a virtual dependence on charity.
  • complaint β€” A complaint is a statement in which you express your dissatisfaction with a particular situation.
  • objection β€” a reason or argument offered in disagreement, opposition, refusal, or disapproval.
  • nicety β€” a delicate or fine point; punctilio: niceties of protocol.
  • artifice β€” Artifice is the clever use of tricks and devices.
  • cavil β€” If you say that someone cavils at something, you mean that they make criticisms of it that you think are unimportant or unnecessary.
  • criticism β€” the analysis or evaluation of a work of art, literature, etc
  • dodge β€” to elude or evade by a sudden shift of position or by strategy: to dodge a blow; to dodge a question.
  • duplicity β€” deceitfulness in speech or conduct, as by speaking or acting in two different ways to different people concerning the same matter; double-dealing. Synonyms: deceit, deception, dissimulation, fraud, guile, hypocrisy, trickery. Antonyms: candidness, directness, honesty, straightforwardness.
  • equivocation β€” The use of ambiguous language to conceal the truth or to avoid committing oneself; prevarication.
  • evasion β€” The action of evading something.
  • niggle β€” to criticize, especially constantly or repeatedly, in a peevish or petty way; carp: to niggle about the fine points of interpretation; preferring to niggle rather than take steps to correct a situation.
  • pretense β€” pretending or feigning; make-believe: My sleepiness was all pretense.
  • pretence β€” pretending or feigning; make-believe: My sleepiness was all pretense.
  • prevarication β€” the act of prevaricating, or lying: Seeing the expression on his mother's face, Nathan realized this was no time for prevarication.
  • protest β€” an expression or declaration of objection, disapproval, or dissent, often in opposition to something a person is powerless to prevent or avoid: a protest against increased taxation.
  • quirk β€” a peculiarity of action, behavior, or personality; mannerism: He is full of strange quirks.
  • shift β€” to put (something) aside and replace it by another or others; change or exchange: to shift friends; to shift ideas.
  • sophism β€” a specious argument for displaying ingenuity in reasoning or for deceiving someone.
  • subterfuge β€” an artifice or expedient used to evade a rule, escape a consequence, hide something, etc.
  • subtlety β€” the state or quality of being subtle.
  • apotheosis β€” If something is the apotheosis of something else, it is an ideal or typical example of it.
  • distillation β€” the volatilization or evaporation and subsequent condensation of a liquid, as when water is boiled in a retort and the steam is condensed in a cool receiver.
  • epitome β€” A person or thing that is a perfect example of a particular quality or type.
  • extract β€” Remove or take out, especially by effort or force.
  • gist β€” the main or essential part of a matter: What was the gist of his speech?
  • ultimate β€” last; furthest or farthest; ending a process or series: the ultimate point in a journey; the ultimate style in hats.
  • last word β€” the closing remark or comment, as in an argument: By the rules of debate she would have the last word.
  • system β€” an assemblage or combination of things or parts forming a complex or unitary whole: a mountain system; a railroad system.
  • actuality β€” Actuality is the state of really existing rather than being imagined.
  • essence β€” The intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, esp. something abstract, that determines its character.
  • existence β€” The fact or state of living or having objective reality.
  • integral β€” of, relating to, or belonging as a part of the whole; constituent or component: integral parts.
  • quintessence β€” the pure and concentrated essence of a substance.
  • reality β€” the state or quality of being real.
  • subsistence β€” the state or fact of subsisting.
  • substance β€” that of which a thing consists; physical matter or material: form and substance.
  • sum β€” the aggregate of two or more numbers, magnitudes, quantities, or particulars as determined by or as if by the mathematical process of addition: The sum of 6 and 8 is 14.
  • totality β€” something that is total or constitutes a total; the total amount; a whole.
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