
All require synonyms

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verb require

  • give out β€” to present voluntarily and without expecting compensation; bestow: to give a birthday present to someone.
  • desiderate β€” to feel the lack of or need for; long for; miss
  • minuses β€” less by the subtraction of; decreased by: Ten minus six is four.
  • lay open β€” to put or place in a horizontal position or position of rest; set down: to lay a book on a desk.
  • crave β€” If you crave something, you want to have it very much.
  • lock up β€” a device for securing a door, gate, lid, drawer, or the like in position when closed, consisting of a bolt or system of bolts propelled and withdrawn by a mechanism operated by a key, dial, etc.
  • warrant β€” authorization, sanction, or justification.
  • hogtie β€” to tie (an animal) with all four feet together.
  • draw on β€” to cause to move in a particular direction by or as if by a pulling force; pull; drag (often followed by along, away, in, out, or off).
  • fall back on β€” to drop or descend under the force of gravity, as to a lower place through loss or lack of support.
  • dunned β€” to make repeated and insistent demands upon, especially for the payment of a debt.
  • want β€” to feel a need or a desire for; wish for: to want one's dinner; always wanting something new.
  • call upon β€” to cry out in a loud voice; shout: He called her name to see if she was home.
  • clue in β€” anything that serves to guide or direct in the solution of a problem, mystery, etc.
  • call on β€” If you call on someone to do something or call upon them to do it, you say publicly that you want them to do it.
  • have β€” Usually, haves. an individual or group that has wealth, social position, or other material benefits (contrasted with have-not).
  • give it to β€” to present voluntarily and without expecting compensation; bestow: to give a birthday present to someone.
  • make a stand β€” to take a position for defense or opposition
  • hang in β€” to fasten or attach (a thing) so that it is supported only from above or at a point near its own top; suspend.
  • call for β€” If you call for someone, you go to the building where they are, so that you can both go somewhere.
  • conscripted β€” enrolled for compulsory service, esp military service
  • bid β€” A bid for something or a bid to do something is an attempt to obtain it or do it.
  • hit up β€” to deal a blow or stroke to: Hit the nail with the hammer.
  • need β€” a requirement, necessary duty, or obligation: There is no need for you to go there.
  • outs β€” away from, or not in, the normal or usual place, position, state, etc.: out of alphabetical order; to go out to dinner.
  • charge β€” If you charge someone an amount of money, you ask them to pay that amount for something that you have sold to them or done for them.
  • dunning β€” to make repeated and insistent demands upon, especially for the payment of a debt.
  • come on to β€” When you come on to a particular topic, you start discussing it.
  • challenge β€” A challenge is something new and difficult which requires great effort and determination.
  • impetrate β€” to obtain by entreaty.
  • demand β€” If one thing demands another, the first needs the second in order to happen or be dealt with successfully.
  • crack down β€” If people in authority crack down on a group of people, they become stricter in making the group obey rules or laws.
  • lack β€” something missing or needed: After he left, they really felt the lack.
  • command β€” If someone in authority commands you to do something, they tell you that you must do it.
  • force β€” physical power or strength possessed by a living being: He used all his force in opening the window.
  • let in on β€” to allow or permit: to let him escape.
  • ask for β€” to try to obtain by requesting
  • claim β€” If you say that someone claims that something is true, you mean they say that it is true but you are not sure whether or not they are telling the truth.
  • fly in the face of β€” to move through the air using wings.
  • lay claim to β€” to demand by or as by virtue of a right; demand as a right or as due: to claim an estate by inheritance.
  • impose β€” to lay on or set as something to be borne, endured, obeyed, fulfilled, paid, etc.: to impose taxes.
  • look for β€” to turn one's eyes toward something or in some direction in order to see: He looked toward the western horizon and saw the returning planes.
  • adjure β€” to command, often by exacting an oath; charge
  • break the news β€” announce sth
  • guarantied β€” a warrant, pledge, or formal assurance given as security that another's debt or obligation will be fulfilled.
  • expect β€” Regard (something) as likely to happen.
  • cost β€” The cost of something is the amount of money that is needed in order to buy, do, or make it.
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