
All retract synonyms

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verb retract

  • countermand β€” If you countermand an order, you cancel it, usually by giving a different order.
  • negate β€” to deny the existence, evidence, or truth of: an investigation tending to negate any supernatural influences.
  • offing β€” the state or fact of being off.
  • make with β€” to bring into existence by shaping or changing material, combining parts, etc.: to make a dress; to make a channel; to make a work of art.
  • go back β€” return
  • counter check β€” a check available at a bank for the use of depositors in making withdrawals, orig. kept in supply on a counter
  • go back on β€” at, to, or toward the rear; backward: to step back.
  • countercheck β€” a check or restraint, esp one that acts in opposition to another
  • abjure β€” If you abjure something such as a belief or way of life, you state publicly that you will give it up or that you reject it.
  • bring round β€” to restore (a person) to consciousness, esp after a faint
  • move out β€” an act or instance of moving; movement.
  • disown β€” to refuse to acknowledge as belonging or pertaining to oneself; deny the ownership of or responsibility for; repudiate; renounce: to disown one's heirs; to disown a published statement.
  • cancel β€” If you cancel something that has been arranged, you stop it from happening. If you cancel an order for goods or services, you tell the person or organization supplying them that you no longer wish to receive them.
  • die off β€” a sudden, natural perishing of large numbers of a species, population, or community.
  • backwaters β€” Plural form of backwater.
  • be-little β€” to regard or portray as less impressive or important than appearances indicate; depreciate; disparage.
  • back β€” If you move back, you move in the opposite direction to the one in which you are facing or in which you were moving before.
  • apologize β€” When you apologize to someone, you say that you are sorry that you have hurt them or caused trouble for them. You can say 'I apologize' as a formal way of saying sorry.
  • counterorder β€” An order (command) made in opposition to a previous one.
  • offed β€” so as to be no longer supported or attached: This button is about to come off.
  • counter-checking β€” a check that opposes or restrains.
  • disaffiliate β€” to sever affiliation with; disassociate: He disaffiliated himself from the political group he had once led.
  • call in β€” If you call someone in, you ask them to come and help you or do something for you.
  • backtrack β€” If you backtrack on a statement or decision you have made, you do or say something that shows that you no longer agree with it or support it.
  • counterpoised β€” a counterbalancing weight.
  • fly in the face of β€” to move through the air using wings.
  • abrogate β€” If someone in a position of authority abrogates something such as a law, agreement, or practice, they put an end to it.
  • make amends β€” reparation or compensation for a loss, damage, or injury of any kind; recompense.
  • nixing β€” nothing.
  • backpedal β€” to press backward on the pedals of a bicycle, as to brake
  • get the hook β€” a curved or angular piece of metal or other hard substance for catching, pulling, holding, or suspending something.
  • backwater β€” A backwater is a place that is isolated.
  • give up β€” the quality or state of being resilient; springiness.
  • blot out β€” If one thing blots out another thing, it is in front of the other thing and prevents it from being seen.
  • annul β€” If an election or a contract is annulled, it is declared invalid, so that legally it is considered never to have existed.
  • flip-flopping β€” Informal. a sudden or unexpected reversal, as of direction, belief, attitude, or policy.
  • apologise β€” to offer an apology or excuse for some fault, insult, failure, or injury: He apologized for accusing her falsely.
  • forswear β€” to reject or renounce under oath: to forswear an injurious habit.
  • withdraw β€” to draw back, away, or aside; take back; remove: She withdrew her hand from his. He withdrew his savings from the bank.
  • make for β€” to bring into existence by shaping or changing material, combining parts, etc.: to make a dress; to make a channel; to make a work of art.
  • go away β€” leave!

noun retract

  • backtracking β€” to return over the same course or route.
  • contraversion β€” A turning to the opposite side; antistrophe.
  • forswearing β€” Present participle of forswear.
  • disowning β€” to refuse to acknowledge as belonging or pertaining to oneself; deny the ownership of or responsibility for; repudiate; renounce: to disown one's heirs; to disown a published statement.
  • gainsaying β€” to deny, dispute, or contradict.
  • backpedaling β€” to retard the forward motion by pressing backward on the pedal, especially of a bicycle with coaster brakes.
  • disavowal β€” a disowning; repudiation; denial.
  • backpedalling β€” to retard the forward motion by pressing backward on the pedal, especially of a bicycle with coaster brakes.
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