
All rhythm synonyms

R r

noun rhythm

  • invariability β€” not variable; not changing or capable of being changed; static or constant.
  • downbeat β€” the downward stroke of a conductor's arm or baton indicating the first or accented beat of a measure.
  • gracefulness β€” The state of being graceful.
  • mora β€” the unit of time equivalent to the ordinary or normal short sound or syllable.
  • half-rhyme β€” rhyme in which either the vowels or the consonants of stressed syllables are identical, as in eyes, light; years, yours.
  • iterance β€” iteration.
  • cycle β€” If you cycle, you ride a bicycle.
  • ciceronianism β€” imitation of the style of Cicero, especially as practiced by some writers and orators during the Renaissance.
  • exquisiteness β€” The degree or property of being exquisite.
  • elegance β€” The quality of being graceful and stylish in appearance or manner; style.
  • half rhyme β€” rhyme in which either the vowels or the consonants of stressed syllables are identical, as in eyes, light; years, yours.
  • centrality β€” the state or condition of being central
  • alliteration β€” Alliteration is the use in speech or writing of several words close together which all begin with the same letter or sound.
  • aeon β€” An aeon is an extremely long period of time.
  • cadency β€” the line of descent from a younger member of a family
  • make-up β€” the style or manner in which something is made; form; build.
  • hellenism β€” ancient Greek culture or ideals.
  • classicalism β€” classicism
  • ornateness β€” elaborately or sumptuously adorned, often excessively or showily so: They bought an ornate Louis XIV sofa.
  • ingemination β€” Repetition; reduplication; reiteration.
  • atticism β€” the idiom or character of the Attic dialect of Ancient Greek, esp in the Hellenistic period
  • meter β€” an instrument for measuring, especially one that automatically measures and records the quantity of something, as of gas, water, miles, or time, when it is activated.
  • classicism β€” Classicism is a style of art practised especially in the 18th century in Europe. It has simple regular forms and the artist does not attempt to express strong emotions.
  • accent β€” Someone who speaks with a particular accent pronounces the words of a language in a distinctive way that shows which country, region, or social class they come from.
  • neoclassicism β€” (often initial capital letter) Architecture. the trend or movement prevailing in the architecture of Europe, America, and various European colonies at various periods during the late 18th and early 19th centuries, characterized by the introduction and widespread use of Greek orders and decorative motifs, the subordination of detail to simple, strongly geometric overall compositions, the presence of light colors or shades, frequent shallowness of relief in ornamental treatment of faΓ§ades, and the absence of textural effects.
  • lushness β€” (of vegetation, plants, grasses, etc.) luxuriant; succulent; tender and juicy.
  • courtliness β€” polite, refined, or elegant: courtly manners.
  • broken record β€” (Idiomatic) Someone or something that constantly repeats itself, causing annoyance.
  • accentuation β€” an act or instance of accentuating.
  • beat β€” If you beat someone or something, you hit them very hard.
  • frequency β€” Also, frequence. the state or fact of being frequent; frequent occurrence: We are alarmed by the frequency of fires in the neighborhood.
  • isochronism β€” an isochronal character or action.
  • composition β€” When you talk about the composition of something, you are referring to the way in which its various parts are put together and arranged.
  • cadence β€” The cadence of someone's voice is the way their voice gets higher and lower as they speak.
  • measure β€” a unit or standard of measurement: weights and measures.
  • euphony β€” The quality of being pleasing to the ear, especially through a harmonious combination of words.
  • doggerel β€” comic or burlesque, and usually loose or irregular in measure. rude; crude; poor.
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