
All sigh synonyms

S s

verb sigh

  • mewled β€” to cry, as a baby, young child, or the like; whimper.
  • yawn β€” to open the mouth somewhat involuntarily with a prolonged, deep inhalation and sighing or heavy exhalation, as from drowsiness or boredom.
  • let go β€” to move or proceed, especially to or from something: They're going by bus.
  • keening β€” a wailing lament for the dead.
  • boohoo β€” to sob or pretend to sob noisily
  • fagged out β€” exhausted
  • insufflate β€” to blow or breathe (something) in.
  • break down β€” If a machine or a vehicle breaks down, it stops working.
  • whish β€” a whishing sound.
  • mull over β€” to study or ruminate; ponder.
  • boohooing β€” to weep noisily; blubber.
  • mewling β€” to cry, as a baby, young child, or the like; whimper.
  • brood β€” A brood is a group of baby birds that were born at the same time to the same mother.
  • fagging β€” to tire or weary by labor; exhaust (often followed by out): The long climb fagged us out.
  • whoosh β€” a loud, rushing noise, as of air or water: a great whoosh as the door opened.
  • groused β€” to grumble; complain: I've never met anyone who grouses so much about his work.
  • mourn β€” Feel or show deep sorrow or regret for (someone or their death), typically by following conventions such as the wearing of black clothes.
  • cry β€” When you cry, tears come from your eyes, usually because you are unhappy or hurt.
  • whisper β€” to speak with soft, hushed sounds, using the breath, lips, etc., but with no vibration of the vocal cords.
  • fizzle out β€” to make a hissing or sputtering sound, especially one that dies out weakly.
  • fag β€” Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. a contemptuous term used to refer to a male homosexual.
  • breathe β€” When people or animals breathe, they take air into their lungs and let it out again. When they breathe smoke or a particular kind of air, they take it into their lungs and let it out again as they breathe.
  • let out β€” (of fur) processed by cutting parallel diagonal slashes into the pelt and sewing the slashed edges together to lengthen the pelt and to improve the appearance of the fur.
  • huff β€” a mood of sulking anger; a fit of resentment: Just because you disagree, don't walk off in a huff.
  • grousing β€” to grumble; complain: I've never met anyone who grouses so much about his work.
  • hungered β€” Simple past tense and past participle of hunger.
  • draw in β€” to cause to move in a particular direction by or as if by a pulling force; pull; drag (often followed by along, away, in, out, or off).
  • eat one's heart out β€” Anatomy. a hollow, pumplike organ of blood circulation, composed mainly of rhythmically contractile smooth muscle, located in the chest between the lungs and slightly to the left and consisting of four chambers: a right atrium that receives blood returning from the body via the superior and inferior vena cavae, a right ventricle that pumps the blood through the pulmonary artery to the lungs for oxygenation, a left atrium that receives the oxygenated blood via the pulmonary veins and passes it through the mitral valve, and a left ventricle that pumps the oxygenated blood, via the aorta, throughout the body.
  • itch β€” to have or feel a peculiar tingling or uneasy irritation of the skin that causes a desire to scratch the part affected: My nose itches.
  • groan β€” a low, mournful sound uttered in pain or grief: the groans of dying soldiers.
  • languish β€” to be or become weak or feeble; droop; fade.
  • dream β€” a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep.
  • conk out β€” If something such as a machine or a vehicle conks out, it stops working or breaks down.
  • fagged β€” to tire or weary by labor; exhaust (often followed by out): The long climb fagged us out.
  • hungering β€” Present participle of hunger.
  • long β€” having considerable linear extent in space: a long distance; a long handle.
  • moan β€” a prolonged, low, inarticulate sound uttered from or as if from physical or mental suffering.
  • blub β€” If someone blubs, they cry because they are unhappy or frightened.
  • hanker β€” to have a restless or incessant longing (often followed by after, for, or an infinitive).
  • glooming β€” total or partial darkness; dimness.
  • anguished β€” Anguished means showing or feeling great mental suffering or physical pain.
  • mewl β€” to cry, as a baby, young child, or the like; whimper.

noun sigh

  • lamentation β€” the act of lamenting or expressing grief.
  • zephyr β€” a gentle, mild breeze.
  • divulgence β€” a divulging.
  • murmuration β€” an act or instance of murmuring.
  • breath β€” Your breath is the air that you let out through your mouth when you breathe. If someone has bad breath, their breath smells unpleasant.
  • exhalation β€” The process or action of exhaling.
  • flatus β€” intestinal gas produced by bacterial action on waste matter in the intestines and composed primarily of hydrogen sulfide and varying amounts of methane.
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