
All simple synonyms

S s

adj simple

  • dense β€” Something that is dense contains a lot of things or people in a small area.
  • inartistic β€” lacking in artistic sense or appreciation.
  • dupable β€” a person who is easily deceived or fooled; gull.
  • lamebrained β€” a dunce; booby; fool.
  • ingenuous β€” free from reserve, restraint, or dissimulation; candid; sincere.
  • garden variety β€” common, usual, or ordinary; unexceptional.
  • cast down β€” If someone is cast down by something, they are sad or worried because of it.
  • intemerate β€” inviolate; undefiled; unsullied; pure.
  • all thumbs β€” clumsy
  • gullible β€” easily deceived or cheated.
  • easy going β€” calm and unworried; relaxed and rather casual: an easygoing person.
  • cinched β€” a strong girth used on stock saddles, having a ring at each end to which a strap running from the saddle is secured.
  • choate β€” Rufus1799-1859; U.S. lawyer
  • larval β€” of, relating to, or in the form of a larva.
  • low β€” to utter by or as by lowing.
  • austere β€” If you describe something as austere, you approve of its plain and simple appearance.
  • literal β€” in accordance with, involving, or being the primary or strict meaning of the word or words; not figurative or metaphorical: the literal meaning of a word.
  • dopey β€” stupid; inane: It was rather dopey of him to lock himself out.
  • dull as dishwater β€” water in which dishes are, or have been, washed.
  • credulous β€” If you describe someone as credulous, you have a low opinion of them because they are too ready to believe what people tell them and are easily deceived.
  • atavistic β€” Atavistic feelings or behaviour seem to be very primitive, like the feelings or behaviour of our earliest ancestors.
  • downright β€” thorough; absolute; out-and-out: a downright falsehood.
  • lowbred β€” characterized by or characteristic of low or vulgar breeding; ill-bred; coarse.
  • down home β€” of, relating to, or exhibiting the simple, familiar, or folksy qualities associated with one's family or with rural areas, especially of the southern U.S.: down-home cooking; down-home hospitality.
  • brutish β€” If you describe a person or their behaviour as brutish, you think that they are brutal and uncivilised.
  • careless β€” If you are careless, you do not pay enough attention to what you are doing, and so you make mistakes, or cause harm or damage.
  • homey β€” comfortably informal and inviting; cozy; homelike: a homey little inn.
  • idiopathic β€” of unknown cause, as a disease.
  • chaste β€” If you describe a person or their behaviour as chaste, you mean that they do not have sex with anyone, or they only have sex with their husband or wife.
  • dry β€” free from moisture or excess moisture; not moist; not wet: a dry towel; dry air.
  • dumdum β€” a silly, stupid person.

noun simple

  • lamebrain β€” a dunce; booby; fool.
  • halfwit β€” a person who is feeble-minded.
  • dumb ox β€” a dimwit
  • innocents β€” free from moral wrong; without sin; pure: innocent children.

adjective simple

  • naive β€” having or showing unaffected simplicity of nature or absence of artificiality; unsophisticated; ingenuous.
  • improv β€” improvisation.
  • cinch β€” If you say that something is a cinch, you mean that you think it is very easy to do.
  • offenseless β€” without offense.
  • minimalist β€” a person who favors a moderate approach to the achievement of a set of goals or who holds minimal expectations for the success of a program.
  • dirtless β€” Free of dirt.
  • bare β€” If a part of your body is bare, it is not covered by any clothing.
  • monkish β€” of, relating to, or resembling a monk: a monkish manner.
  • oafish β€” a clumsy, stupid person; lout.
  • cincher β€” Something that cinches as in holds and fastens, such as a belt or corset.
  • mono β€” infectious mononucleosis.
  • inelaborate β€” Not elaborate; crude; unfinished.
  • neat β€” in a pleasingly orderly and clean condition: a neat room.
  • yoyo β€” a spoollike toy consisting of two thick wooden, plastic, or metal disks connected by a dowel pin in the center to which a string is attached, one end being looped around the player's finger so that the toy can be spun out and reeled in by wrist motion.
  • elementary β€” Of or relating to the most rudimentary aspects of a subject.
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