
All sleazy synonyms

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adjective sleazy

  • curer β€” A healer.
  • nerdy β€” Slang. of or like a nerd.
  • gross β€” without deductions; total, as the amount of sales, salary, profit, etc., before taking deductions for expenses, taxes, or the like (opposed to net2. ): gross earnings; gross sales.
  • faecal β€” feces.
  • junky β€” of the nature of junk; trashy.
  • base β€” The base of something is its lowest edge or part.
  • dirty β€” soiled with dirt; foul; unclean: dirty laundry.
  • yucky β€” thoroughly unappetizing, disgusting, or repugnant.
  • declasse β€” having lost social standing or status

adj sleazy

  • flimsy β€” without material strength or solidity: a flimsy fabric; a flimsy structure.
  • cut rate β€” a price, fare, or rate below the standard charge.
  • fecal β€” of, relating to, or being feces.
  • in a bad way β€” not good in any manner or degree.
  • common β€” If something is common, it is found in large numbers or it happens often.
  • lowdown β€” the real and unadorned facts; the true, secret, or inside information (usually preceded by the): We gave them the lowdown on the new housing project.
  • cheesy β€” Cheesy food is food that tastes or smells of cheese.
  • catchpenny β€” designed to have instant appeal, esp in order to sell quickly and easily without regard for quality
  • chintzy β€” Something that is chintzy is decorated or covered with chintz.
  • cheap β€” Goods or services that are cheap cost less money than usual or than you expected.
  • dogeared β€” (in a book) a corner of a page folded over like a dog's ear, as by careless use, or to mark a place.
  • feculent β€” full of dregs or fecal matter; foul, turbid, or muddy.
  • cruddy β€” dirty or unpleasant
  • derisory β€” If you describe something such as an amount of money as derisory, you are emphasizing that it is so small or inadequate that it seems silly or not worth considering.
  • grimy β€” covered with grime; dirty: I shook his grimy hand.
  • disgusting β€” causing disgust; offensive to the physical, moral, or aesthetic taste.
  • low-down β€” If someone gives you the low-down on a person or thing, they tell you all the important information about them.
  • filthy β€” foul with, characterized by, or having the nature of filth; disgustingly or completely dirty.
  • abominable β€” Something that is abominable is very unpleasant or bad.
  • down-at-heel β€” of a shabby, run-down appearance; seedy: He is rapidly becoming a down-at-heel drifter and a drunk.
  • glitzy β€” pretentiously or tastelessly showy: a glitzy gown.
  • characterless β€” If you describe something as characterless, you mean that it is dull and uninteresting.
  • chiffon β€” Chiffon is a kind of very thin silk or nylon cloth that you can see through.
  • grody β€” repulsive; disgusting; nauseating.
  • loathsome β€” causing feelings of loathing; disgusting; revolting; repulsive: a loathsome skin disease.
  • dog-eared β€” having dog-ears: a dog-eared book.
  • mangy β€” having, caused by, or like the mange.
  • house of cards β€” a structure or plan that is insubstantial and subject to imminent collapse, as a structure made by balancing playing cards against each other: The scheme is so overly complicated that it's likely to prove to be just another house of cards.

adverb sleazy

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