
All stunned synonyms

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verb stunned

  • etherized β€” Simple past tense and past participle of etherize.
  • whelmed β€” to submerge; engulf.
  • overcame β€” simple past tense of overcome.
  • innervated β€” to communicate nervous energy to; stimulate through nerves.
  • obtunded β€” to blunt; dull; deaden.
  • callused β€” Pathology, Physiology. a hardened or thickened part of the skin; a callosity. a new growth of osseous matter at the ends of a fractured bone, serving to unite them.

adj stunned

  • afraid β€” If you are afraid of someone or afraid to do something, you are frightened because you think that something very unpleasant is going to happen to you.
  • awestruck β€” If someone is awestruck, they are very impressed and amazed by something.
  • faint-hearted β€” lacking courage; cowardly; timorous.
  • blown away β€” past participle of blow away.
  • dead to the world β€” unaware of one's surroundings, esp fast asleep or very drunk
  • dumbfounded β€” to make speechless with amazement; astonish.
  • buffaloed β€” any of several large wild oxen of the family Bovidae. Compare bison, Cape buffalo, water buffalo.
  • dumbstruck β€” temporarily deprived of the power of speech, as by surprise or confusion; dumbfounded.
  • dazed β€” If someone is dazed, they are confused and unable to think clearly, often because of shock or a blow to the head.
  • bewildered β€” If you are bewildered, you are very confused and cannot understand something or decide what you should do.
  • awe-struck β€” filled with awe
  • aghast β€” If you are aghast, you are filled with horror and surprise.
  • horror-struck β€” stricken with horror; horrified; aghast.

adjective stunned

  • appalled β€” If you are appalled by something, you are shocked or disgusted because it is so bad or unpleasant.
  • amazed β€” filled with incredulity or surprise
  • captivated β€” Simple past tense and past participle of captivate.
  • impressed β€” to press or force into public service, as sailors.
  • groggy β€” staggering, as from exhaustion or blows: a boxer groggy from his opponent's hard left jab.
  • floored β€” that part of a room, hallway, or the like, that forms its lower enclosing surface and upon which one walks.
  • awestricken β€” filled with awe.
  • astounded β€” If you are astounded by something, you are very shocked or surprised that it could exist or happen.
  • gobsmacked β€” utterly astounded; astonished.
  • overcome β€” to get the better of in a struggle or conflict; conquer; defeat: to overcome the enemy.
  • bedazzled β€” If you are bedazzled by someone or something, you are so amazed and impressed by them that you feel confused.
  • flabbergasted β€” to overcome with surprise and bewilderment; astound.
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